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Sorry fellow Descendants! I have been going none stop today helping my sister get ready for her son's 4th birthday tomorrow. February... Such a busy month.

Special shout out to Twisted and her husband who are celebrating their wedding anniversary tomorrow, technically, their 1st. ;)

And back to the story...

Gil brought the lost Treasure back to the ship where the Sea Three reveled in being reunited with her. But what's going to happen when she finally wakes up after that epic crash?



(See the end of the chapter for questions.)

Deez twitches away from the light before she panics. What happened? Where was she? When had she fallen asleep? Was she hidden?

She squeezes her eyes closed tighter when she realizes there were people pressed into either side of her. Touching her. Holding on to her so tightly she could barely move.

The questions tumble around in her mind as she clutches at the shell around her neck, the familiar token bringing her a small sense of relief as she struggles to untangle herself.

Hadn't she been at Yensid's? She takes a deep breath before her heart freezes.

Salt. Leather. Spice. Candles. The light scent of frying oil. Wood.


Her lower lip trembles as she opens her eyes to Uma, Harry, and Gil curled around her. Her chest warms even as her stomach plummets.

Why was she here? Why was she putting them in danger? How had she ended up between them like this?

"Deez?" The three of them greet her in concern, sleep coating their familiar tones.

Gil's arm tightens around her, pulling her closer to his chest in such a familiar way that she reflexively relaxed before she tenses. No. She shouldn't be here. They were going to get hurt.

She could feel Uma follow her warmth, scooting closer to fill the void Gil left.

Harry's hand in her hair scratches her scalp soothingly as he curls behind Uma.

Could they find a way to get closer together? Closer to her? Was there a way their bodies could be more protective around her? Could form a better shield to try and protect her from the rest of the isle? She doubted they even realized they'd done it, had made a safe space for her. That was just how they were.

Her eyes burn as her breath hitches in her throat. She'd missed this so damn much.

"How?" She blinks in confusion as she frees herself enough to turn back and see the pile she'd been under. Her lips curve into a small smile. No wonder she'd felt so warm and comforted. Even waking up in a panic, she'd wanted nothing more than to fall back asleep in the safety of their confining hold. To forget what was haunting her.

Was she dreaming? This certainly felt like a dream. To be safe in their arms. Secure in their bed. Protected. Remembered. Cared for. Loved. And so, so, so much more.

Not snuggling into them and accepting their affection was a fight she was currently losing. One she wanted to lose. But she knew better.

It felt too good to be true. She looks them over, finding herself incapable of using her voice. Her throat was too tight. Too afraid to hurt them with the truth. That she shouldn't be here. That it was dangerous to be near her. But it wouldn't come out.

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