Dungeon and Dragon

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Hey Descendants!

Virtual School officially started today for us... Well, for my nephew.

How's school going for everyone involved in that?

Sorry this is getting out later than I normally attempt to post, but the day was full of shiny and I was full bird.

We hope you enjoy Dungeon and Dragon.

If you do we hope you'll leave us some love, a comment or a hello, just to let us know you're out there.

Lots of love!


(See the end of the chapter for questions.)

"Oh Neptune's saggy salty sack! What we be ah doing here?" Harry whispers when he sees the back of the 'castle' Maleficent lives in. Like they needed to alert the Mistress of Evil to what they were doing. His eyes narrow. T wouldn't rub this in her face... Would he?

Fuck! Like they didn't have enough problems?

No, he stops himself. T always had a reason.

He just really hoped it was a good one.

T turns back to glances at him, "Callin' in a favor, duh." He shrugs as he continues down the hidden path. "Or did you not notice the mob we incited." He wipes his sleeve over his cheek making the blood that was already on his face smear worse.

"That be ah look." Harry sighs, "An yeah, I be ah noticin' the mob. And the callin' for our heads."

"I know. I know." T sighs. "My bad." He turns back to the path. "Didn't think that deal all the way through." He shakes his head.

"Bet he's fuckin' entertained though." He grimaces. It had taken them both off guard when the one they'd tracked turned into five from the list

"I meant the one where I promised not to kill other people."

"Me damn assessment still be ah standin'." He grimaces, "Entertained as fuck."

T snorts, "Oh calm down." He waves off his concern as he leads him through a small cave. "And come on. Trust me, I got this."

He felt far calmer than he should, given the circumstances. He was rather proud of the fact his voice hadn't cracked once, and he hadn't yelled. He grimaces as he follows after T, using his elbows to pull himself through the small opening. Even Deez would have had to belly crawl through this. "Clearly, cause I be ah feelin' mighty calm considerin' where we are."

T stands up straight one he finishes crawling, only to turn and frown down at him. "Where's your sense of adventure run off too?" He scoffs.

"I be ah followin' an' I ain'nah bitchin'. I were sayin' I do be ah trustin' ya, 'cause I don'nah think I should be ah feelin' this calm." He glares, "So calm."

T smirks, as he offers a hand. "I hear that."

He nods as he lets T help him up, "Good." He dusts his hands off, "Now that we be ah bein' in the same ship on the subject."

"Just follow my lead." T grins like an idiot, as he takes his hand and places it on his shoulder.

He narrows his eyes. T was liking this far too much. He draws in a deep breath before he lets in out slowly. He couldn't blame the lad. Having people follow you was a heady thing.

"This is the most alive I've felt in weeks." He adds softly.

"Ouch." Weeks? They'd done some things that made him feel pretty damn alive in Mal's hangout.

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