One Down, One to Go

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Hey there!

Thank you so much for all the reviews and messages! I know you guys miss us posting three days a week, honestly we do too, but we need a little bit of a buffer as we continue to write feverently.

So last week Gil heroically found the Sea3's lost Treasure. Are you ready for the reunion?

Lots of Love!


(See the end of the chapter for questions.)


Harry frowns as he leans over the side of the ship, the calm rocking for once doing nothing to soothe his nerves. Gil should've been back hours ago. He wasn't sure what the fuck he'd do if a third member of their family went missing on him. His knuckles turn white as he grips the wood.

Uma had already gotten herself in a situation, one that she'd luckily gotten out of unscathed. Had Gil also ended up finding himself in a bad way?

Why did it feel like leaks were springing faster than he could patch them?

He shakes his head.

There was no way someone would be stupid enough to mess with their Sweet Boy, at least not now anyway. He'd gotten to be roughly the size of a barge since he started swinging that hammer of his.

He lets out a sigh. Didn't keep him from worrying though.

He wasn't sure any of them were getting any sleep. How could they when they couldn't find two members of their family?

And they were family. Whether they acknowledged it or not. Deez had been part of the family since Uma discovered her existence. He could barely remember a time before he knew Uma well that it hadn't been those two together. How he used to hate her for being so clingy. Funny how time and perspective can change everything. Now he was the clingy one, trying to remind her that touch and emotional needs were welcomed in their family.

And T?

He wasn't sure exactly when that happened. For Gil and Uma at least. He'd been infatuated with him-her since the moment he tackled Deez down that well. Now it was more than that. It was admiration. Some adoration? Hopefully, it was also mutual respect.

He just had no idea where to look now that Uma had ventured to the church and found it empty. That had been his ace up his sleeve. His next stop. Part of him was relieved to know T wasn't there. Wasn't the prisoner of the creepy priest. The other part- He slams his fist on the railing. He just wanted to find T!

He swallows hard. Assuming T was still here.

His gut twists as a pang shoots through his chest.

Assuming they were both here. Sea Gods, he didn't know which he wanted more. For them to be in Auradon, or still here with them. He grips the railing as he glares out at the isle.

Damn it. A low growl hums in the back of his throat. This fucking sucked.

"Stranger approaching," James calls out, his voice barely above a whisper as he jumps down from the crow's nest.

Harry quickly stands up straighter before he jumps to the railing, holding a rigging to keep his balance. A wicked smirk pulls at his lips. Whoever was stupid enough to enter their turf was in for a rude awakening tonight, he was ripe for a fight.

He glares at the tall, thin man approaching their ship. It had been a long while since a Side Kick had dared to step to them.

"Ride with the tide." Gil's voice startles him, making him jump back as he squints into the night. No way he could mistake Gil for a tall, thin man. Not even with the strange fog rolling in.

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