Eggs and Banter

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Hey Descendants,

Sorry about the late update, but we're here!

Last update Harry and Uma talked, and then T/Faustina had a horrible night terror, and all they could do was ride it though.

Today we're checking on Gil and Deez to see how they're handling the separation.

We hope you like your Eggs with a side of Banter. :)



(See the end of the chapter for questions.)

A slight smoky scent tickles his nose before his senses are flooded with something else. Something that smelled delicious. He slowly opens his eyes before his brow furrows at the unfamiliar ceiling above him.

His eyes widen as he looks around. Where was he? Where was his treasure? And what the hell was that smell?

"Your cheese isn't green at all." He hears Deez say, sounding slightly confused.

Her familiar voice puts him at ease. And the lack of emergency allows his rapid heartbeat to calm. He yawns and rubs his eyes before he slowly pulls himself up.

"Well, no. And cheese, in general, is not supposed to be green or moldy. But my cheese is magically preserved." Yensid explains, "Make sure you turn the heat off this time."

"Right. Sorry." Deez sighs as something clicks, "Huh... You know, we never did figure out how you're able to have magic that works under the barrier."

"You and Carlos have always been curious about that." Something thuds as if it were being set down, "Did you have any theories?"

"A few. But one we came up with together was when Carlos said he believed magic was just another form of energy. Like thermal or electromagnetic energy. So I thought that, if that were true it would mean that magic isn't created, it's transferred or transformed just like any other type of energy. Which made us think that maybe your magic works here because it's from the same power source as the barrier? The barrier has to be magical, so it itself has to work. Which would mean that like energy would also still be able to work. We could never figure out a way to test it though."

"Hmmm. Once again I'm impressed. That is very sound, logical reasoning. And fairly accurate, without dipping into abstract theoretical concepts for further explanation."

Gil grins. Of course Carlos and Deez would figure something that complicated out just for the fun of it. He eases back against the couch, content to listen to the two talk as he shakes off the grogginess.

"I'll have to write to Carlos and let him know we were fairly right." She chuckles.

"Yes. And let me know when you do, I have a few letters I'd like to ask you to pass along for me as well."

"Of course. And um, thanks for showing me how to make this."

"Of course Hyades. And I'm sure Gil will enjoy them." Something pops, "Are you sure you don't want to wake him up? It would seem you have breakfast ready."

"He was really tired last night. He should sleep. And it gives me time to look this over."

"You did luck out with that recipe book." Yensid chuckles as something makes a slight scraping noise, "If you're hoping to impress him, I'm sure you'll find the right recipe in there."

"I hope so. I have a lot to make up for."

What did she have to make up for exactly? Gil frowns, eyes narrowed as he tilts his head back to look at the ceiling. Was she talking about the fact they had missed each other, literally, for days? It bothered him, but at the moment it was the only thing that made sense. What else could she possibly have to make up for? It wasn't like it was her fault that Maleficent had sent the goblins on her.

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