Hammering Alignments

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Hiya Descendants Family,

One more chapter posted, two more to go and that will be the end of Book Three.

I hope you're as excited as we are.

Don't forget to let us know you were here. Seriously, even a hello posted as a review helps us immeasurably.

We hope you enjoy the chapter.

Lots of Love,


Gil grins as he looks down at his finished hammer.

It wasn't the prettiest, definitely not the most flashy, but it didn't need to be. What really mattered was if it was functional, if he'd be able to defend his family with it.

He wipes the sweat off his forehead as he lifts the hefty weapon, testing out its weight.

His grin widens when he realizes how right it felt in his hands. He gives it a test swing and lets out a rumbling laugh at the ease of the action.

He could swing what had to be thirty pounds of metal as easily as he could pick up Deez.

He'd come such a long way since they'd first started Book Club.

His muscles.

His skill.

His understanding.

But best of all, Deez.

His grin widens. If he'd come a long way, so had she.

She could control her flames so much better now. He'd been able to see it every day they worked together.

And more, they'd seemed to know what the other would need without the need for words.

They'd gained a much deeper connection because of this, one that expanded beyond Book Club.

It was probably his favorite part of all of it.

How much closer he'd gotten to her.

His Treasure.

He just knew Carlos would be beside himself if he could see what they'd made of his formulas. Would be thrilled to know they'd progressed to more than just swords.

He missed the guy so much it hurt. Missed his silent presence and quiet support.

He never would have guessed when they'd met that the smartest kid on the isle would also be so kind and patient.

Especially with him.

But the pup had gone above and beyond, and the two of them became fast friends, just like Deez and T assured him would happen.

And T, the one behind the whole club- He wasn't sure if the other boy really knew how much this meant to him. He'd been so hard to read since he'd come back from the hell Harry had found him.

His eyes narrow and a frown pulls at his lips at the thought of that blood-drenched table.

He shakes his head, trying to dislodge the horrible scene from his mind.

He owed T so fucking much for more reasons than he could count. The club was just the tip of the iceberg.

He sighs. He missed the old T as much as he missed Carlos. He couldn't even remember the last time he'd heard T laugh. Truly laugh. His chest aches at the realization as he lets out a heavy sigh.

T. He didn't even know where to start with helping him. How to repay the debt he owed him, and it sucked. It had been so long since the last time they'd talked one on one.

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