Angels Among Us

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Hey Descendants,

Sorry again! So I sat down to post this like a hundred or so times today and kept getting called away.

Without any pomp or circumstance...

Lots of love,


(See the end of the chapter for questions.)

He smiles as he continues to carve the piece of wood in his hands.

He wasn't sure why he hadn't thought of it sooner. Making Faustina something, but he was happy to have thought about it today.

Even if it had been in the middle of their class while he was supposed to be working on History, but when he saw Deez clutching at her necklace absently, it was hard to get the thought out of his head.

Uma would probably be upset if she knew he'd spent most of the class trying to figure out what to carve for her. But once it was there, he couldn't knock away the thought.

It had taken the whole class, but he was proud of what he'd settled on. It was going to take some time, a lot of detail work, and he'd need to find or figure out a way to make a chain- But he was pretty sure she'd at least appreciate it. If for no other reason than the fact she was the most girly-ish girl he'd ever met. And what type of girl didn't like jewelry? Even Mal wore rings and necklaces.

"Almost finished." Deez smiles as she lifts her head from the pages in front of her, "She explained it so vividly, it was wonderful to listen to her tell it." She taps the top of her pen against the table.

He looks up, "I'm excited to read it, you've been so quiet about what it is you're working on." He chuckles. "All you've said was it's a story she told you." He grins, "I haven't seen you this passionate about something you've written in a while."

Deez bites her lip before her eyes drop back to the story she was writing, "I uh, well, I just um, she-" She looks up at him before she tilts her head, "What ya workin' on? It's been a while since I last saw you working with wood."


Usually Deez was a lot more subtle with her deflections.

Or was less dodgy about it.

That was curious.

Odd and curious.

His eyes brighten with amusement. Whatever it was she was working on, being secretive about was bound to be interesting. He just hoped she'd let him read it before she shipped it off to the Prince.

He glances at the hammock, making sure Faustina was still sleeping. When he's satisfied that she was he turns back to Deez with a grin, "A rolled map. A tiny one. I was gonna ask if you wanted to help me with some metal work the next time we went to the cove. But since you asked, I wanna make her some tokens to put on an ankle bracelet. Ones that represent each of us."

"Oh, wow." Deez takes a soft breath, "Gil, that sounds amazing." He smiles when her hand grips her shell, "I- I know it's helped me, having the reminder." Her eyes drift to the hammock, "And I'd love to help."

"I was hoping you'd say that." He grins. "Cause some of the pieces would look a lot better if they were made of metal."

"Think Uma will let us go to the cove later?" Deez asks, hardly able to keep still in her chair as she kicked her legs under the table.

"I don't see why not." He shrugs. "We finished everything we were supposed to get done today."

"I uh, I have one more thing I have to do." She frowns as she looks down.

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