Family Time

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Hey Descendants!

Sorry we're getting this chapter out to you so late today. Florida is having a hell of a thunderstorm, so between power going out, us still not feeling well, and then Max joining the party, we got this edited late.

Quick note though, the chapter is called Family time, so there will be some family time in this. It's not a lot, and it's not super descriptive, but it's there.

We welcome any feedback you have for us! And don't forget to let us know you were here.

Lots of Love!


(See the end of the chapter for questions.)

She smiles at her workbook as she waits for the others to join her in the cabin. The rest of the family was saying their goodnights to Yensid, and apparently there was some sort of meeting with the crew Uma was necessary for.

She shakes her head, content to wait for one of them to walk her to her room.

There were too many people on the deck for her to feel comfortable going alone. Especially since she'd seen Tim glaring at her. She knew better.

She jumps when she feels something brush against her leg, but with a grin she searches under the table to find Shrimpy.

"Of course that was you." She chuckles before she pulls the lazy fat cat to her lap, sinking her hand into her soft gray fur as the cat coils itself on her lap.

She bites her lip as she continues to pet the purring cat.

She was mortified over her behavior today. She'd scared them right before they'd come home without even realizing it, and then the incident earlier where she'd disappointed Uma and Harry.

And yet, in spite of that, today was still going down as one of the best days of her life.

She'd never thought swimming would be so freeing, but it was. To her at least.

She giggles lightly as Shrimpy purrs louder, stretching her spine before she settles back into a coil again.

And to be able to do it with the family? It felt amazing- Up until it wasn't. She shakes her head. She didn't need to get stuck in that loop again.

When the door opens she looks up from the cat to find everyone filing in.

She takes a deep breath when the room starts to feel crowded before she looks down at her workbook. She pulls a hand from Shrimpy, who mewls in disappointment, to start where she'd left off.

Without a word, Deez slips into the chair beside her with her notebook and a workbook in hand. She bites her lip as she opens the workbook to a marked page and sighs as she grabs a pencil from the makeshift holder in the middle of the table.

She lifts a brow at the look of concentration on Deez's face, at the tapping of the eraser against the table in frustration. Her eyes travel over the problem in the book before she closes her eyes as if hoping that would help her see her process.

She bites her lip, unsure if she should offer to help or leave her be unless she asked.

She smiles as Gil picks Deez up and slides into the chair, placing Deez back on his lap before kissing her temple.

"You don't have to work on this now you know." Gil offers as he squeezes Deez to his chest.

Deez shakes her head, tossing her faded blue and white hair in her exuberance, "I have to work on this. And keep working on it."

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