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Hey Descendants!

Welcome to another week of updates! We hope you all had a great Easter if you celebrate.

Well, shall we just get to it then?

We hope you enjoy Thoughtful.

Lots of love,

Stay strong,

Stay home,


(See the end of the chapter for questions.)

So, this was what a family was? Five people sitting in the same room, doing their own activities, obnoxiously close to each other?

What the fuck?

His eyes narrow slightly at another bang of the hammer and the sound of wood splitting, as Gil swings too hard yet again.


"Lad, it be wood-" Harry grins as he leans forward and rests a hand on Gil's hand that was holding the hammer, "an' it ain'nah doin' nothin', so don'nah be treatin' it like it be insultin' the Cap'n."

T can't help his snort.

Gil frowns, "I keep tellin' myself not to swing full force, but my arm doesn't remember how." He takes a deep breath and slowly pulls his arm up a few inches.

Bang. Split.


He was getting so upset about it, but he couldn't stop the warmth in his chest as he snorts. "Gil, man I think we got your weapon wrong, we should've built you a giant hammer."

"Maybe." Gil huffs as he glares at the smaller hammer.

"Aye lad, and for now, be ah handin' me that one or we ain'nah gonna be gettin' this done."

Gil frowns as he reluctantly passes Harry the hammer.

"You've been working full force for over a week Gil," Deez gently reminds him as she slips from her chair to stand behind him, "And our swords were huge, so you had to work even harder on them." She soothes before she presses her lips to his cheek and wraps her arms around him in a hug, "Don't be so hard on yourself."

Why did being such a huge dick come so naturally to him? What the fuck was wrong with Faustina? Why would she make him like that? "I didn't mean it bad, just sayin' that your go-to motion is to swing and that's probably going to fuck you up in a fight. You've never gone that hard doing one thing with a sword before, not like a whole week of nothing but."

Gil furrows his brow as he looks up at T, "I didn't take it bad," He shrugs, the action lifting Deez completely off her feet, "I kinda like the idea, just don't know how we could make one."

"Oh." T blinks as he looks away. Of course he misread the situation. He takes a deep breath, this was going fucking great. There were too many people to follow to really give any of them enough attention to notice what the fuck was wrong. Ugh. That was just wonder-fucking-ful. Was it going to be like this all the time? He swallows.

Oh. Shit. He blinks. What had he done? Agreeing to join the fucking family? Had he been on the fucking morphine drip? He was going to make such an ass of himself. Whatever. He couldn't make a bigger ass out of himself than he already had. "I mean Yensid probably has a book on hammers," He shrugs. "And we already know how to make molds, we'd just need to ask Yensid about the formula, though at this rate he'd probably give us what we need to figure it out on our own and call it extra credit or some bullshit. But I guess math that actually applies to life might be a little more of an incentive to give a shit."

Cracks in the MaskTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang