In Deals We Trust

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Hey Descendants,

Happy Friday! We can't wait to see you later today on the FB Live!

But first, the new chapter :)

Lots of Love,


(See the end of the chapter for questions.)

Uma drums her nails across the table as she stares at Harry and T, giving herself a moment to ponder their request.

T was doing better. She didn't like the fact he'd immediately started wearing boots the moment he was allowed to walk around- her drumming falters, before he'd been allowed to move around. She'd done her best to be understanding.

But the band around his chest-

She stifles a groan. Even with the books Yen Sid gave her to read about the subject, she was still confused about multiple personalities.

She knew T- well, T's body anyways- was female. But she couldn't bring herself to think of T as anything other than a boy. A sometimes idiotic and incredibly frustrating boy, but still a boy.

She blinks before her eyes land on Harry. Something had happened between him and T the night they'd initiated their two new members. It had been a long while since he'd last come to bed seeking attention like that.

Even if she hadn't been exhausted, he should have known better than to try and start shit before they talked to Deez about their 'family time'.

And then yesterday was strange too. Harry mentioned he was going to be working on a few things with T, but when he'd come up from the hold yesterday he looked like he'd been through the tombs with tic-tock on his heels.

What the fuck were these two up to? And why was Harry suddenly a big supporter of T getting shore leave?

"Uma-" Harry tilts his head to the side, watching her with his big blue eyes popping brightly under his signature coal smudging around them. It was the look he used to appear intimidating. To her, it would only ever be incredibly hot. "I know this be sudden an' all, but I could be ah usin' the back up for meetin' with this new contact. It ain'nah bein' nothin' big mind, but havin' ah shadow nearby be makin' me feel more settled-like."

T looks up from where he was leaning against the wall, infuriatingly as hard to read as usual with his hood up.

Her eyes narrow. "Fine. Both of ya just get yer asses back here around sundown. If there aren't any problems, we'll talk about this becoming a more permanent arrangement." She looks to T, "Understood?"

"Yeah." T nods. He salutes her before he pushes off the wall and turns to Harry expectantly.

"That be ah soundin' fair ta me." Harry grins before he walks over to kiss her temple.

"Oh, just go on before I change my mind." She threatens, but she couldn't keep her face stern enough.

Harry chuckles, "Aye Cap'n." He ruffles Deez and Gil's hair as he walks past them before tilting his head towards the door, "Ya comin'?" He asks T.

T doesn't need to be told twice as he falls in line behind Harry like a trained dog.

Deez bites her lip as she looks up from her workbook, "So, is this a bad time for me to negotiate for the ability to travel on my own?"

"No one's going anywhere on their own anymore." Uma groans as she folds her arms on the table and drops her head on them, "If you need shore leave you can go with Gil."

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