Heavy Blows

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Hiya Descendants,

Oof, we got a little stuck in book four this past week. I don't think we've actually gotten any writing done. :(

No worries though, I woke up in the middle of the night with an idea and spent half an hour writing it out. I haven't checked it yet, but hopefully we can make sense of it when we get back to it today.

Anyway, we hope you're enjoying the story so far, please let us know you were here. We love getting notifications that someone is talking to us.

It fuels us.

Lots of Love,


Deez stretches along Gil's side, brazenly pressing every possible inch of herself against him. She drapes one arm over his chest as she snuggles in the cradle his arm formed around her.


Last night.

She never knew anyone could make her feel like that. Could drive her nearly insane with physical and, strangely, emotional need.

At least that's what she thought it was. The physical parts were easy to identify. It felt like her very body craved him. His touch. His attention.

He set her on fire in ways she couldn't control.

Which made her think the other part had to be emotional. Yensid pointed out to her a long time ago that her fire seemed to be connected to her emotions.

So she'd fought hard to reign them in, keep them in check. And in doing so had managed to get her fire under control.

Until yesterday, when her lovable protector threw all thoughts, all sense of control to the wind.

She sighs contentedly.

Being with Gil was freeing. In so many ways.

They both had to be so careful when it came to their strength.

But not with each other.

While they enjoyed being soft and delicate, his rougher side was a beast to behold. And she loved it.

Loved the way her gentle giant was unafraid to love her hard.

She'd always known there was so much more to him than what he showed. What existed on the surface.

She smiles before she props herself up on her elbow to rest her cheek against his chest as she watches him.

He was adorable when he slept.

He was always on guard when he was awake, even though he projected an air of aloofness that everyone who didn't know him was content to fall for. But she knew. She was starting to recognize all his little 'tells'.

But in sleep he looked peaceful. His soft lips curved ever so slightly in a smile above the small cleft in his chin. She giggles softly as she traces it with hesitant fingers.

He shifts slightly under her and she instantly drops her hand back to his chest. She wasn't trying to wake him. Not yet. She just wanted to steal a few moments of being able to watch him.

He opens one eye and looks down at her. "Mornin'." He greets, his voice gruff from sleep.

She grins as he scoops her up and presses her to his chest. His other hand lazily runs over her head lovingly.

"You're up early." He yawns, "Or I'm up late." He chuckles. He leans down to kiss the center of her forehead. "How'd ya sleep?"

She reaches up to run her fingers through the curls of his hair, "I, honestly can't remember the last time I slept so well," She smiles.

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