Chapter 2

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Shen wei feel he need to go the washroom right now. He open his eyes and felt that he layed his head upon someone shoulder.... He immediately get back when he sensed that its yezhun.......

"Morning....!" yezhun said when shen wei got back all of a sudden. "Didi....! I need to go washroom....." shen wei said.

"Wei ge... We are almost there.... Can't you hold it for some time....." wang said irritated. "But i really need to go..... Please...!" shen wei said.

Yezhun stop the car near a small restaurant...... "There you go....." yezhun said. He forgot that shen wei need his help for the direction......shen wei silently just sit there......

"oh...! I am so sorry....." yezhun said and walked out hurriedly. Shen wei also open the door and walked out. Yezhun grab shen wei hand and took the opportunity to hold wei waist......

He helped shen wei to enter inside the washroom and stand there.... "Could you go outside.... I can manage from here.....?" shen wei politely asked.

Yezhun smirk and walked out.... He stand outside streching his body..... And yawning........

Shen wei done his business and wash his hands after locating the wash Basel. After washing his hand he turned and felt that someone is standing in front of him.

He frown and feel that the person is standing really close to him. As he can feel his breathing mixed with some sweets and chocolate fragrance........

"Excuse me.....!" shen wei said and move to the other side but all he did is to bumped himself with the wall......

He hissed in pain closing his eyes...... He can clearly heared the chuckle sound from the other side. Shen wei rubbed his head which is hurting right now.....

He about to go but again bumped with someone.... But that's not a wall.... It's something soft yet hard..... Shen wei touched the chest of the man standing in front of him....

He can feel the hard chest and a heartbeat.... Wei immediately pulled back his hand... "Sorry....! I didn't....." shen wei apologise.

He did not heared anything in return. Shen wei frown and turn to his other way thinking that he must be blocking someone else......

But he felt that a muscular arm is caging him in between them..... "Di... Didi.....??" shen wei shout loudly fearing that the person might hurt him.

Yezhun heared his brother shouting so he run inside. And found his brother all alone covering his ears and closing his eyes in fear.

Well not matter whether his eyes are open or not...... Yezhun thought and hold wei. Shen wei grab yezhun arm feeling him near.

"Didi.... There.... There is someone else who is blocking my way....." shen wei shutter...... He is shivering badly.

Because... It happens before. When they all are going to the market and yezhun dragged shen wei with him,despite of his protest.

And someone try to dragged shen wei in the darker area to get him. And have their ways..... After that shen wei grandfather just choose one day in a week. When shen wei could go outside with his family and they Could spend some quality time together.

Yezhun soothing shen wei back to calm him.... And give him some water to drink. Wang just rolled her eyes. Thinking that it's just his way of getting attention from others.

"Let's keep going.... We are nearly there......" yezhun said helping his brother to sit inside the car.

They don't know that a person who is sucking a lollipop in his mouth looking at them.

"He is really blind.... We can get him anytime..... Just wait for my signal and get ready tonight......" He said on the phone to his other partner and twirls that lollipop in his mouth.

He whistle while walking away from there and vanished from the site......

Shen wei shivered badly while sitting inside the car." Nobody is there ge..... So stop worrying. You must have mistaken......." Yezhun said to calm shen wei.

"Stop your acting now ge...... Please! You are just creating a scene now...." wang said looking at her phone.

Shen wei didn't replied to them at all. He knew that someone is definitely there, and he touched him...... He felt that there is something wrong happening right now.

Soon they all reached at their beach house....... The caretaker of the house open the door for them. And servants start taking the things inside, that they brought with them.

Yezhun helped shen wei, to walked out from the car and as soon as they walked inside. Shen wei start walking on his own. Because he memorized everything inside his head.

And one dare to change the setting around him. Otherwise they have to encounter with wei grandfather. Which is not good at all.

"I am going to take a shower....." shen wei said as he walked inside his room without any help.

"See....! He just act in front of us to get attention......." Wang said rolling her eyes as he texting non stop to her boyfriend and walked inside her room to take shower.

Yezhun smirk and sigh as he walked inside his room for a quick bath. Soon Mr. Shen also came there and sit on the big couch at the center of the hall.

He look a little worried now, as he ask for a tea. Shen wei lost in his own thoughts as he is pretty sure that there is someone else there inside the washroom with him.

Then why yezhun said that there is no one else there......? There is lots of questions arising inside his head..... But right now he just washed it out.

He wanted to spend this day with his family not to worry about for some stranger. Maybe yezhun is right......

Shen wei thought and walked out wrapping his lower body with towel. He is rubbing his wet hair with the other towel......

He walked near his bed, where servant already placed his clothes. Shen wei didn't care whatever he wear....

Why should he.....? He can't even see what he is wearing and which colour suites him the most. Or which is not.......

So he just wear whatever others select for them. It's his dad and yezhun. Who bought clothes for him.... And telling him that he is looking good and his hair is fine like that.....

Wei just get happy about it. He see himself from the others eyes. He don't know how he looked....... But yezhun always told him that he is a beauty..... What to say.... He is like that....! Always flirty.......

Shen wei wear his clothes and toe his hair in tight pony. Because its irritates him when fall into his eyes..... He even try to convince his dad to cut his hair short.

But no one wanted him to cut his hair short. They always say that it's looks good on him......

Shen wei walked out and smile...... "You are here dad....?" shen wei said while approaching his father who is having his tea.....

"You always knew.... Huh....?" Mr. Shen said. And shen wei follow his voice, sitting beside him and looking at him lovingly........he layed his head upon his father shoulder......"Oh...! I miss all of you all this week....." shen wei said and his father also embrace him.

"so where you wanna go first....? To the beach or to the market......?" Mr. shen asked. "what time is it.......?" shen wei asked. "It's 12:30 P.m....." he replied. "Let's go to the market first......! we can enjoy beach at evening........." shen wei said excitedly.

He really like hearing lots of noises around him. It makes him feel that, he is a part of this world....otherwise all this week he just wander around his big house and didn't hear anything at all. Because everyone is busy around him.....except for him.

He didn't have anything despite painting and violin......his grandfather didn't let him do anything at all...............

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