Chapter 20

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"what...?!! are you out of your mind yunlan....?" ling jig asked early in the morning. "yes...! I am loosing my mind right now....! Tell me where is zhu hong...? I want to talk to her also. " yunlan said. "but you can't just free him just like that yunlan......" ling jing said. "Ling i have thinking all night about this....and i have made my decision....." yunlan said firmly.

"And what about us...? we are also a part of this team. Yunlan.......we come together for one reason, and that's money.......we need money to full fill our dreams, to save life. Think about have to finish this job and get the damn money....." ling jing said in little frustrated tone.

Yunlan grit his teeth,"Then i am sorry to let you all down. And for my daqing, i will think about it....." yunlan said and about to go back upstairs when ling jing stop him. "Just because you slept with him, you are doing this huh...? let me tell you one think yunlan. Doing that will not going to help him...." ling jing shout and walked out in anger.

"Good bye zhao yunlan...! call me if you" ling jing said sadly and walked out grabbing all his belonging. Yunlan sigh, he wanted to stop ling jing but couldn't. He walk upstairs......

He looked at shen wei who is sleeping right now. Yunlan grab phone that ling jing gave him,"I am going to free him today.....! I can't do this..." yunlan said. "what..? are you mad....? this isn't some kind of market, that we buy or sell things. Just do it or i will report it to the police. Just caged him for sometime that's it...." that voice said.

"No...! I won't......! " yunlan said and cut the call. He sigh relief and dial again........ It's already 11:00 a.m, and shen family along with chu are waiting for the call.

This time shen wei grandfather also sitting there, wanted to hear his wei voice. chu looked at the watch and then the shen wei family. suddenly yezhun phone ring and he picked it up. He walked away signing that it's not the kidnapper.....

chu grit his teeth and looked at yezhun, who angrily talking on the phone. "who is it.....?" chu asked when yezhun join them back. "nothing some personal call........" yezhun said and chu nod, while thinking.

"why they are taking it so long....? is my wei okay....? did they do something with him...?"  shen wei grandfather asked in panic. "Father..! calm down...! he is okay...." Mr. shen said grabbing his father hand.

As this time Mr. shen phone ring....."Hello...?" Mr. shen asked. It's yunlan. Mr. shen put the phone on speaker...."Mr. shen...! You will be happy that we are ready to leave your son.....! We don't want anything. I am going to leave him near the Market. Come and pick him up, before he got hit by someone.........." Yunlan said and cut the call.

Chu frown and so does everyone. "Move out come on the market." chu shout to his team and Mr. shen along with yezhun run outside to get wei back....."This is not right...! something is not right..." chu said while starting his car.

Shen wei stir feeling pain all over his body. He opened his eyes and try to find one is near him. "yun...yunlan...? is anyone here.....?" shen wei asked in panic. yunlan run towards shen wei. He went to washroom for a minute and heared shen wei voice. 

"I am here......." yunlan said holding shen wei hand that are finding him up in the air. Shen wei sigh. He hold yunlan hand tightly. And hissed a little. "Are your hurt....? " yunlan asked in cared. "I am okay....! thanks for staying here with me........" shen wei said feeling so much grateful that yunlan is here with him.

Wei totally forgot about the night and his ache is almost gone, just a little numbness upon his legs, that's why he didn't think at all that something happened to him at night. Yunlan looked at shen wei innocent face.

"I am sorry........" yunlan said. "Sorry...? for what.....?" shen wei asked frowning. "For doing all this to you........" yunlan said, not able to say the truth. shen wei sigh..."What kind of a kidnapper you are....? i think you have never did this before......." she wei said feeling calm near yunlan.

He moved his hands trying to find where yunlan is. Yunlan hold his hand and shen wei move his both hand upon yunlan face....he suddenly smile," You have beard......." shen wei said gently caressing yunlan face.

He stop at yunlan plump lips and could feel the warm breath of yunlan. yunlan looked at shen wei and they stay like this for a minute. And suddenly yunlan move away and shen wei also move back.....

"um....i......your family have give us what we need. You are free to go.....' yunlan lie about the reason. Shen wei felt sad despite of feeling. He should be happy right now. But he feel sad, "did they.....?" wei mumbled sadly.

"you are not happy......?" yunlan asked seeing wei sad face. "I am getting free....! why should i......?" shen wei replied still in sad. "Okay then, let's go i will leave you and they will take you.....come with me........" yunlan said and give some clothes to wear. Shen wei wear his clothes in front of yunlan.

Or maybe he forgot that yunlan is still here. yunlan avert his gaze when shen wei remove his shirt. Yunlan cough alerting him that he is still here,"Oh i am sorry..! Sometime i forgot that it's just me who can't see...." shen wei said.

After that yunlan helped shen wei to walk down and sit inside the car. After sometime they reached near the market. yunlan looked here and there, far away from them yunlan saw Mr. shen and yezhun looking here and there.

Not only that chu team is also alert right now. "It's time to go...." yunlan said and shen wei didn't walked out feeling so sad right now. Why he don't wanna go back, he don't know. Yunlan sigh and helped shen wei to walked out from the car.

"start walking straight, i am right behind you........." yunlan said and start walking with shen wei. There are lots of people walking here and there. No one could saw who is with who....."Just look for shen wei for now......" chu said to his team.

After walking few steps with wei, yunlan leave shen wei hands and stop behind, because if he walk further chu and his team will locate him. Shen wei panicked....he shout yunlan name and try to find him. But yunlan just stay behind looking at him.

Shen wei took a deep breath and control his tears that are forcing to fall down, shen wei start walking ahead slowly.....

"ge..? wei ge..? that wei ge....." yezhun suddenly shout alerting all others. Yunlan hurriedly pretend that he is a customer and not with shen wei. Mr. shen, chu and yezhun start running towards shen wei.

As yunlan closed his eyes, "Be free shen wei...." yunlan mumble and about to go. A sudden scream scream and loud shot sound echoed behind him. Yunlan stop and turned....his wei shirt is covered in blood and he is holding his chest......

Yezhun and Mr. shen an chu also got shocked hearing the bullet shot two times and seeing wei blood start flowing from his chest. Wei feel that his chest is burning and something making a hole inside his chest......

Yunlan run towards shen wei falling body so does Mr. shen and yezhun, chu......But due to people running they have face trouble reaching near shen wei. Chu fire his gun up in the air to make the way....

But shen wei is gone, from there........"where did he go....? he is just right here.......?" chu shout. As Mr. shen sit down feeling so much hurt and yezhun hold him........

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