Chapter 33

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As shen wei entered inside the house with yunlan, who is holding his hands in his. Everyone got silent as they both entered. And shen wei heared a loud happy scream of someone. That's daqing....he shout yunlan name and run towards him feeling so happy to be here.

"Don't run daqing....!" yunlan shout making daqing slow his speed and walk normally toward yunlan and shen wei frown hearing that. "Oh gege...! I have missed you, I missed you so much...." daqing whined and hugged yunlan.

Yunlan leave shen wei hand and hugged tightly his brother and shen wei felt a little bit of jealous. He stand there silent, as daqing notice a beautiful man standing next to his gege...."Who is he gege....? Your friend......?" daqing asked.

Yunlan looked at shen wei and smile, he about to said something as that women came near to them. "come have something to eat two looks hungry...." that women said and daqing dragged yunlan away from shen wei.

Shen wei think that yunlan is near to him, but as he try to garb his hand for direction he didn't find him. Shen wei feel so sad at that time. As yunlan came back and help shen wei to sit near to them.

They all introduce each other and eat dinner together. shen wei silently eat his food and didn't talk much. "wei ge....could you pass me the salt....?" daqing said. shen wei became more sad and yunlan also felt that shen wei is not feeling good coming here.....

yunlan pass the salt to daqing, and daqing also frown with his gege behavior along with others. But no one said anything about it. After having there dinner together, all of them went to their own room, and others who have night shift walked out from there.

yunlan, shen wei and daqing sitting inside the room. Daqing closed the door and start talking no stop with yunlan. Hearing daqing chit chat a sweet smile appear upon shen wei lips. which yunlan notice. And daqing also notice that his is just looking towards, shen wei. who is sitting far away from them two.

"Gege.....! I need water..." daqing said and yunlan look and here. There is no water inside the room and yunlan walked out to bring some water. Shen wei just heared yunlan foot step walking out. Now he is all alone left behind with daqing. 

Wei felt little awkward not because he is left alone with daqing. But that awkward silent is making him feel weird. But he don't know that daqing is walking toward shen wei, with bare foot. He have some doubts and he need to confirm it.

Daqing frown as he slowly slowly coming closer to shen wei. And shen wei didn't reacting a bit. Daqing came really close to shen wei and shen wei face is towards door side. "You can't see....right..?" daqing whispered near to shen wei ear.

"ARRGGGGGhhhhh.....!!!!!" shen wei scream and moved back a little. He didn't realize that daqing is standing so close to him. And will whispered to him like a ghost. Usually could sense if someone getting closer to him. But right now he was so lost in zhao yunlan thought and that steamy kiss. That he didn't realize that, someone came closer to him.

At that time yunlan also walked in holding water bottle in his hands. He came closer to shen wei and hold him from shoulder. Not thinking that daqing is also watching his action, carefully. "what happened....?" yunlan asked.

Shen wei breath heavily and calm himself down...."yes...!! i can't see.....!  i am a blind person......" shen wei said sadly. Daqing sigh and yunlan glare at daqing, that he did something that scare shen wei like that. And now he is sad.......

Daqing smirk as he clearly know what is happening in between these two. He smile and walk closer to shen wei. "wei ge...! sorry to scare you like that. That was not my intentions at all. I am really sorry......" daqing apologies.

shen wei stay silent for a minute and then smile,"It's okay...! i can understand......" shen wei said. and daqing smile......yunlan also smile and daqing saw his brother face, who is smiling as soon as shen wei smile.

Daqing smirk and clear his throat, making yunlan alert and looked at him. Daqing sign a heart shape to yunlan and ask about shen wei, silently. Yunlan frown firstly than widen his gaze....he shake his head no. And daqing pout his mouth. 

He sign that he wants that yunlan and shen would be together...and yunlan show his fist. Daqing shake his head and smile. Shen wei feel weird, why they all became silent all of a sudden...? shen wei thought.

"Yunlan are we staying here tonight....?" shen wei asked breaking the silent. "No....we have to go back..." yunlan said and gave water bottle to daqing. "didi....sleep now...i have to go back now..okay. And don't go college for some days.....okay..?" yunlan instruct daqing and daqing nod. Without asking any question.

"Nice to meet you daqing....." shen wei said as he take off his silver bracelet and ask daqing hand. Daqing look at yunlan and yunlan nod. He walked near shen wei and gave his hand to his hand. shen wei wear that bracelet to daqing..."This bracelet is precious to me.....! It will bring happiness and health to your life....." shen wei said and bid good bye to him.

Daqing saw them two walked out,"such a sweet guy..." daqing mumbled as he went to bed. Shen wei and yunlan walked out and yunlan hold shen wei hand and take him to the near park which is empty right now.

They walked there as shen wei hold yunlan hand.......he could feel that, this is the most beautiful  night, as he is with yunlan. And it's indeed the beautiful night. After the rain the weather is cold a bit and the air mixed with flower fragrance making them two calm and happy.

Yunlan look around and he also feel happy about. This is the perfect night to spend with your love one. And yunlan remember what daqing is saying to him. "am i really like him...? or it's just..." yunlan thinks as he look toward shen wei.

"God..! I am really liking that man from my heart.....! Is it okay to love a guy...? is it okay to think about other one...?" shen wei also thinks and he could feel that yunlan grip is getting tighter to his hands..........

"yunlan......! can i ask you something....?" shen wei asked. And yunlan said yes....."Did your brother.....! Did he know that....." shen wei can't ask directly to him. But yunlan figure out what shen wei is trying to say..."My brother didn't know that i am a criminal....." yunlan said.

"I didn't mean to say that......." shen wei said. "No shen wei...! It's okay......i am, who i am......! there nothing to change. Yes i did some wrong work, but my motive is to earn money for some reason........" yunlan said.

"And for money.....will you hurt me or lie to me.........?" shen wei asked and yunlan shockingly looked at shen wei...........     

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