Chapter 11

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Yunlan didn't realise that. When did he fall asleep. He is really tired and as soon as he layed on the soft bed, deep sleep took over him. Shen wei finished his business and wash his hands properly. He walked slowly towards the door.

Luckily door is open and yunlan didn't locked it, just slightly closed it. Shen wei walked out with the help of wall and with them he start walking towards a direction.

He clearly know that yunlan is here, and he shouldn't do anything to make him mad. But suddenly his legs i tangled him yunlan legs and he fall upon him. Because yunlan half legs are down and half body is above the bed and he fall asleep in this position.

And there you go. Their lips touched each other softly and yunlan wrapped his arms around shen wei body. He is in his dreamland and hugging his lover.

But in reality he is tightly wrapping shen wei body to himself. Shen wei got startled and move away his face as soon their lips touched. Shen wei feel that yunlan rightly embracing him and try to kiss him.

Shen wei hit hardly on yunlan face and the other one woke up hissing in pain. "what the.....!" He about to curse shen wei. But stop realising his mistake.

Shen wei breath heavily and moved back from yunlan. "what are you doing.....?" shen wei shout. Yunlan closed his eyes feeling embarrassed right now.

He clear his throat..... "I am...... I was.... Sleeping.... I didn't mean to...." yunlan said first time in his life feeling that his ears are getting hot.

Shen wei took a deep breath and gulped down. He think of something then calm his feared down. He silently stood there and yunlan also standing near him.

They both stay silent, having nothing to share right now. Suddenly thunder struck with heavy rain and shen wei jumped on yunlan.

This time he is the one embracing him tightly. He got scared by the lightning. Yunlan didn't know what just happened right now. He just got stunned and stay like this. He could clearly feel shen wei loud heartbeat.

And soon his own heartbeat also matched with him. Yunlan than embrace slowly shen wei, to calm him and shen wei snuggled more to yunlan neck.

He felt warmth and calmness in his embrace. He didn't want to let go of him. And that weather didn't give him chance to let go of yunlan neck.

Yunlan breath heavily as he pulled shen wei up in his arms. He didn't have any idea. What he is doing right now..... And why....? He just walked near the bed and try to lay shen wei on the bed.

But shen wei didn't leave him at all. He just tightly grab yunlan neck. Yunlan sigh and looked at how much he is scare of this lightning. He have to layed with him.

Yunlan mind saying that he should pushed this man aside and leave him. But his heart saying to him, that he should take care of this scared person.

Yunlan hand unconsciously start soothing shen wei back to calm his trembling. Doing that shen wei snuggle more to yunlan feeling the warmth of his body near him.

"I am here......" yunlan mouth say those words unexpectedly to shen wei. In which he also got shocked why he say that to him.

He didn't say something like that to anyone. At least not to a stranger whom he just kidnapped. But yunlan words work magically and shen wei start calming down.......

They both stay like that and soon yunlan feel the calm breathing of shen wei near his neck. He tilt his head little, to see whether he is sleeping or awake.

He sigh reliefs when he saw shen wei sleeping there. Yunlan about to break the hold of shen wei, but that man holding him like his life depends upon it. Yunlan exhale in frustration but he can't do much now.

So he also fall asleep holding shen wei in his embrace..........

"wei...!!" shen wei grandfather mumbled in his sleep. Mr. shen is near him watching over his health. He hold his father hand as soon as he heared him mumbled wei name. "Dad...?? Are you awake....?" Mr. shen asked worriedly. 

"wei...!!" wei grandfather mumbled again as tears fall from his eyes. Mr. shen sigh and wipe tears from his father eyes. He looked outside......."stay strong son....! we will find you..." Mr. shen said and closed his eyes holding his dad hand closer to him.

Morning came and it's still dark outside. The rain is pouring heavily with heavy lighting........ling jing woke up and looked outside.....he looked at the's 8:00 a.m. already. He sit up and yawn, stretch his body......

And a knock on the door startled him. He walked near the door and see through the door hole. It's zhu hong. He opened the door and found a totally wet in rain. She angrily looked at ling jing. "Why did you take that much time........?" zhu hong shout while walking inside.

She threw her overcoat and her sexy figure revealed. Ling jing just droll his eyes upon zhu hong body and gulped down. "where is yunlan.......?" zhu hong asked. And found, that ling jing looking at his with wide eyes.

She walk near ling jing seductively and wrapped her arms around his neck. She smile..."like what you see.....?" she asked and ling jing nod just like a puppet, who's string is in zhu hong hand. Zhu hong grit her teeth all of a sudden a smack ling jing nose, make him bleed.....

Ling jing shout in pain.....while holding his bleeding nose....."you bi....." ling jing about to curse her as she stop him. "shut your filthy mouth...! and tell me is it done......?" she asked walking away, looking for some dry clothes to wear, inside her bag that she carried with her.

Ling jing grab some tissue paper to stop his bleeding. He whined non stop.....and zhu hong again stare at him. Not getting her answer. "Ah....yunlan...? He must be sleeping.....? and he didn't kill him........" ling jing said and zhu hong grit his teeth in anger.

"Why he is not finishing his job and get the damn money.....?" zhu hong shout at ling jing and he is getting scare now by zhu hong anger. 'I don't know.....! Ask him....! ling jing said laying on the couch.

Zhu hong sigh in frustration. "Fine if he is not killing him. Then i will.......! Where is that blind person........" zhu hong asked.Ling jing sign at the upstairs room and zhu hong grab a knife in her hand from the table and throw her dry clothes aside.

She walked upstairs in anger. Because she need money....and they didn't get money until the job is done. And yunlan is not doing his job right now, which makes zhu hong more frustrated........she walked hurriedly upstairs and open the door.....and what she saw makes her blood boil in anger.........

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