Chapter 69

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"Yeah....!'s daddy...... Come come........" The boy shout sweetly and run towards yunlan when he turned back. Yunlan recognised the boy......... But what shocked him the most is the girl......! Same as the boy run towards him happily shouting daddy........

Yunlan felt that someone pulled him down or we could say that he is so happy that the burden of joy can't handle by him.

He kneeled down which helps the twin to hugged yunlan tightly. Yunlan felt that he just have a new life. It's like he just born again right now.

Twins tightly hugged yunlan and yunlan also hugged them tightly yet gently........ "Where were you daddy.....? We have waited for you......we miss you so much......" The girl said pouting cutely while playing with yunlan hair.

Yunlan just looked at the girl and just mesmerized by the look upon her face. He smile seeing girl eyes. Which is exactly liked him dark brown...... Yunlan give a soft kiss upon girl cheeks and the girl giggled sweetly.

"I want one......!" the boy Pout now. Seeing that his twin sister got the kiss from daddy and he didn't. Yunlan can't control himself and chuckled a little louder..... He kissed the boy cheeks also.

"I am sorry.......! I will never leave you behind again....." yunlan whispered to them both controlling his tears that are ready to fall down with happiness.

He never realised that he is leaving all this happiness behind. How fool he is.......

Soon yunlan saw a familiar face. Shen wei grandpa walked near yunlan with cold face glaring at him. "Go to your uncle room and play there........" grandpa said to the twins and they happily run towards yezhun room which is currently there play room.....

Yunlan stood up and looked at grandpa. He somehow can't able to looked at his eyes and avert his gaze.

" so......! Got time to visit us......? "grandpa said coldly. Yunlan gulped down fearing that shen wei grandpa might yelled at him for leaving his grandson in this condition.

" I never thought that wei will love a person like you.....! And this much.....! (sigh) but he did....... He have everything to you. And didn't dare to looked back at him. Yet you have done a good job from your point of view. But you have failed to see his view......! He silently waited for you.... Never complained about anything at all........! Never whined for the pain he got because of you. He might be dead by now delievering your kids. Still he try hard to stay alive.......

I thought that after everything you will come back to him. But you break that dream today. You hurt him again...... Tell me what's going inside your mind zhao yunlan..... Just tell me. "grandpa said coldly glaring at yunlan.

Yunlan gathered his courage and looked at him....." I know I have made some harsh and bad decisions. But believe me I did all this just to save him. I don't want him to love a person like me. Look at me.....! Will you agreed to give your grandson to a person like me.....? I have nothing to give him...... Nothing.....! And what will I give our kids...... Huh.....? One day they will ask about his father..... What will you tell them.....? Tell me....! It's not that I don't love him. I love him...... I have died every single day waiting for him....! I wish that he will move on in his life....... But he didn't. He just waited for me.......! Why.....? Why he is doing that to himself..... And you let him do this........? Our kids came into this world unknown to us..... What can I give them......? "yunlan said to grandpa and took a deep breath after that. He waited for grandpa replied.

But someone else replied to him," You can give then your name.....! You can give then their father love which they deserve........ You can give me what's mine.........! And that's your heart who beats for me....... Zhao yunlan, stop running here and there. Just stop for a second and see, this world have already accepted you the way you are.......... "shen wei said walking near yunlan.

He have woken up when the twins shout happily and walked out. He couldn't stop himself after listening to yunlan reasons. His anger melt down like a ice and he walked towards them.

Grandpa give some space to them both and walked into yezhun room. Yunlan shockingly looked at shen wei and list his words. Shen wei stand real close to yunlan looking straight at his eyes.

"She really have your eyes....!"shen wei said looking at yunlan eyes. Yunlan cheeks shiw the red colour hearing that. He tilt his head left to avoid contact with shen wei.

But shen wei cupped his face and forced him to looked at him." You can't run away from me......! I won't let that happen again....... You have sacrificed enough for us......." shen wei said kissed yunlan lips.

Yunlan suddenly break the kiss and walk away. "Please....! Shen wei....... Listen to....." yunlan try to say but shen wei slammed his lips upon yunlan plump lips. He sucked the soul out of yunlan.

After all he have waited for this moment for five years. And now wei want his reward by all means. Yunlan try to push but his body not listening to him at all. And he let shen wei kissed him as he like.

Shen wei pushed yunlan towards his room and slammed shut the door behind him while kissing yunlan.

Yunlan didn't realise when they reached near the bed. And shen wei pushing him down. They both fall upon the bed and yunlan is totally list in sweet kiss of shen wei. He bite his lips when shen wei moved towards his neck and bite him seductively.

That's it...... Yunlan have lost it. Shen wei manage to woken up that yunlan. Whom he love the most. Suddenly yunlan flip shen wei body and grab his hair. He give a feel kiss to shen wei when he hissed a little when yunlan pulled his hair a little.

Yunlan feel that he will melt with all this hotness...... But he didn't want to stop himself. After all he also want to live his shen wei with his conscious mind. He want to see how beautiful wei is. He want to hear how he screams and moan his name under him........

In one move he tear apart shen wei shirt and start pinching his beautiful nipples making wei shivers under him..........

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