Chapter 23

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Yunlan didn't have an appetite to eat food right now. And moreover zhu hong words against shen wei making him angry. so he walk away from there, before he could do something bad in his anger. He walked inside the room and look at the time, "shit...!! how can forgot to call him......" yunlan said to himself as he about to call daqing but stop.

"He might be asleep right now. I shouldn't disturb him......" yunlan think and didn't call daqing. He looked at shen wei......and sigh. He closed his eyes as shen wei bloody body in his hold came into his mind.

"who is trying to kill you.....? who...?" yunlan mumbled and stand near the window. Looking up in the sky as zhu hong knock and walked inside the room following her is ling jing. "I am sorry yunlan.....! I shouldn't said anything to you.....!" zhu hong said feeling guilty. 

Yunlan turn and looked at them two. "Zhu hong....! you never think twice before opening your mouth.......! don't try to burden your small head......." yunlan said coldly. Zhu hong gulped down and ling jing calmly listen to yunlan.

Yunlan sigh and looked again at shen wei..."let's talk outside...." yunlan said and walked out from the room in hurry, zhu hong and ling jing looked at each other than, they also walked out following yunlan.

"what's the matter with you zhu hong...! Tell me right now....! End all this confusion and misery of your life........" yunlan said. They three are sitting down stairs on the small couches facing each other.

zhu hong looked at yunlan for a moment so deeply. She try to find any emotion in yunlan eyes for her. But all she found right now is anger. So she took a deep breath, moved her fingers in her hair and smile......

"I am really dispointed right now with your actions yunlan....! You know that this is my last chance to get into that's my dream to became a dancer. And as per your actions, my dreams are fading day by day........" zhu hong said looking at yunlan.

Yunlan tilt his head and looked at ling jing,"Do you also think that.......?" yunlan asked. Ling jing just blink his eyes in confusion. Zhu is not wrong and nor did yunlan. They are both right in their own opinion. So he didn't say a word and stay silent for now.

Yunlan grit his teeth and sigh....."i know...! why we came together....! I know, why we need to do this......but believe me looking at his condition makes me feel protective towards him. He is not normal like us. He is not able to walk in open world all alone......and here he is trying hard to stay alive........" yunlan said.

"You are right in your place yunlan. But you have to think about us also.....think about yourself also. Your didi need you and the money......" zhu hong said calmly placing her hand upon yunlan hand. ling jing frown as what he heared from zhu hong mouth is not believable. Not after what she try to did.

Yunlan pulled back his hand from zhu hong hand and sit back clearing his throat, "You are right.....! I just forgot that why we are doing all this........! We have to cure him first then make a good plan.....his family is a rich one.....and they love him more than anything.....they for sure give whatever we want..........." yunlan said looking at ling jing.

Zhu hong smile as she stood up and bring dinner for yunlan..."now eat something first....! And i promise, i won't do anything at all. I promise.........! (in her mind) until i find the truth what's inside your heart for him.........." zhu hong fake her smile and yunlan also smile back to her.

He eat a little and after that zhu hong walked back to her room and ling jing walked upstairs with yunlan to examine shen wei condition. "I am really proud of you.....!" ling jing suddenly said to yunlan. Yunlan frown and looked at ling jing who is checking shen wei BP.

"Proud of me....?" yunlan mumbled. "What you are doing is a good thing yunlan. And i am proud that humanity still left in you. I am happy to have a friend like you........" ling jing said smiling lightly. Yunlan sigh and looked at shen wei.

"I felt guilty ling jing....! What i have done to him is....." yunlan stop as he remembered he have forced him......ling jing walked closer to yunlan after examining shen wei. "I told yo it's not your fault.......stop blaming yourself and focused upon how we gonna get money from his family. They already saw him getting shot by someone........." ling jing said. 

Yunlan frown as he think of something. "Ling me a favor and give me all the details about his family. I wanna know everything........." yunlan said and ling jing nod. "He is okay and you can also take rest. I will get you the information as soon as possible........." ling jing said and walked out.

Yunlan layed on the couch looking at shen wei face,"How can you look so perfect while sleeping like that huh...?" yunlan mumbled unconsciously and frown,"what are you thinking yunlan......!" yunlan whined and closed his eyes. So that he won't think about shen wei for now.

It's middle in the night, yunlan woke up as he heared someone chuckling near him. He woke up and scratch his head while yawning....after getting the clear vie he saw shen wei is sitting on the window, as his legs are hanging outside. He is chuckling there while looking at the moon.

"shen.....shen wei...?? what are you doing here...? and when did you woke up.....come inside. You will get hurt." Yunlan said while walking closer to shen wei. Shen wei turn his head and looked straight at yunlan, like he actually seeing him for now.

Yunlan frown and looked at shen wei..."are you looking at me...?" yunlan asked in shocked. And shen wei nod yes while tilting his head while smiling. "How...?" yunlan asked standing close to shen wei. 

"It's you....! You made me see you......" she wei replied looking up in the sky and yunlan also do the same. "This shining light is beautiful...." shen wei said. "It's Moon......" yunlan said. Shen wei smile while looking at yunlan. "But you are more beautiful ...." yunlan said making shen wei blush right now.

"You are handsome yunlan.....i am glad that i can see your dreams......" shen wei mumbled kneeling closer to yunlan, he didn't hear what shen wei said as he is totally focused upon shen wei lips right now.

He could feel the breathing of shen wei and when he about to kiss him, shen wei slip from there and fall down. 

Yunlan shout and woke up from his dream, panting for air breath heavily. Sweat trail down from his forehead. He hurriedly run towards the window and looked down, and found no one there. He got panic not knowing that he was dreaming before.

He almost run outside when he saw shen wei is sleeping there peacefully. Yunlan sigh heavily, he wipe his forehead and check shen wei. "what is this..........? why are you haunting my dream now....?" yunlan asked to shen wei as he hold his hand. And as soon as he hold his hand his breathing got calm all of a sudden and he became calm in seconds.........

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