Chapter 52

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"You are kidding right....? That's not the right time to joke around ling jing......." yunlan madly said to ling jing after reading that paper, which clearly say that shen wei is 2 weeks pregnant...!

"I am not joking.......! It's true....! He is pregnant and....... It's..... Yours yunlan....." ling jing said and chu just silently listen to them still in shocked.

"But he is a........" yunlan try to say but chu cut his words, "It's hard to believe, but it's true zhao yunlan. I have one case like that. Its totally normal. A man can conceived like a women. And I think shen wei is one of them....." chu said and they all got silent for a moment.

Yunlan just shockingly sit down on the chair and sigh." It's all my fault......! I shouldn't did that to him..... What we are gonna do now. He will hate me...! "yunlan mumbled.

" Zhao yunlan....! Don't loose hope like that. Take your responsibility first. He need you now. More than ever....... "chu said and yunlan looked at shen wei who is peacefully sleeping there. Unaware of anything happening around him.

" I am gonna make him mine.......! "yunlan mumbled and chu and ling jing smile hearing that.

Evening time,

Zhu Hong stands near the park as a black car stopped near her. One window go down and zhujiu face revealed. He smile at zhu Hong and she also smile back at him.

Zhujiu open the car door and let her in. The car start moving again as soon as zhu Hong sit inside.

"Hello beautiful.....! You took really long time.......!" zhujiu asked gazing at zhu Hong with his pervert eyes. Zhu Hong smirk..... "I am just waiting for the right time........" she replied.

" can you help me.....?" zhu jiu asked. "I can help you take down yunlan. But I want something in return......." she said. Zhujiu think fir a moment then smile. "okay....! What you want........?" he asked. "Bring him to me......." Zhu Hong said.

"Is it love.......?" zhujiu asked. "Huh......? I have lost my heart some where. All I feel is pain and betrayal ........ Just bring him to me, before kiling him......." zhu Hong said coldly, and zhujiu smirk. "Okay.......! Consider it done......... Now tell me how we can get him......." Zhujiu asked.

"You only need to get someone special to him........ Captured his soul, he will follow you......" zhu Hong said.

"And what's his soul name.......?" zhujiu asked. "Daqing........! And i guess you already know him........" zhu Hong said coldly looking at zhu jiu. He smirk and looked at her. "I never thought that one day you will betrayed him, like that.......!" zhujiu said.

"He started it......." zhu Hong said. "But your competitor is out of the game...... You can have him..... Why go against him." zhujiu asked. "You don't know him........ He can bring the dead back, if he wants to......" zhu Hong said looking outside from the window. Zhujiu frown not understanding what she wants to say.

"Just drop me here....... And do whatever you want to do....... Bring him to me...... Or I will expose you as well....."zhu Hong said walking out from the car. She closed the door forcefully making the loud noise. She coldly looked at zhujiu and saw zhujiu car fade away from her sight.

She took a deep breath and looked up at the sky....." If you really are dead shen wei......then hear me, You snatched away what's mine. Now I am gonna send him to hell. Where he will suffer alone and will shout for help. And no one.... Will be there to save him........ You hear me....! No one will be there for him....... Not even you..... " zhu Hong said.

She walked away after that and rain start pouring heavily.

" NO.........!! Please......! "a loud voice startled chu, yunlan and ling jing who are talking outside from the room. Yunlan run inside as soon as he heared loud voice came from inside. Chu and ling jing also follow yunlan as well.

They all got shocked seeing shen wei awake and sitting upon the bed, confusingly pressing the bandage that covered his both eyes.......

He stop as he sense someone inside the room......... Shen wei calm himself and try to recognise who is the one that walking closer to him. Yunlan walk near shen wei, fearing about his health.

He about to cupped shen wei face when wei hold his hands and try to recognise his touch....... "Yunlan.......? Is that you......?" shen wei asked pressing lightly yunlan hands. Like he is making sure that he is awake from the bad dream.

Yunlan hold shen wei hands.... "Yes...! It's me..." Yunlan said try to control his tears and happiness to hear wei voice once again. He wants to embrace him tightly. But stay still. Not shen wei, he tightly embrace yunlan as soon as he heared his voice. Making yunlan startled and others too.

" I had a bad dream..........! I saw someone try to kill you........!" shen wei said after a long pause. He breath calmly but didn't break the hug. "So you woke up....... To save me....?" Yunlan asked calmly. Shen wei break the hug and moved his hands to yunlan face touching him gently.

"If I have to......! I will......." shen wei said firmly. Hearing that yunlan just shockingly looked at shen wei face. "I have done so much to you.......! Yet you care for me....... That much......." yunlan thought and unconsciously cupped wei face. He about to kiss wei as ling jing coughed. And chu hit his arm like he disturb the beautiful view.

Ling jing hissed and glare at chu, and yunlan came back to his senses. He kissed wei forehead instead of lips. It's enough for wei to calm down......

Wei smile and also kissed yunlan hand palm. "What happen to me......? And why is my eyes got bandage.....?" shen wei asked as soon as he calm down.

Yunlan frown and looked back at chu and ling jing. Chu walked near wei and ling jing also follow. "Ah.... Wei.....! How are you....?" chu asked trying to distract wei right now. Because they don't want to shocked him with all of the situation.

Wei heared a familiar voice but can't remember who is he....... Ling jing saw that and walk near yunlan, "It's chief chu..... Wei! Remember....?" ling jing said.

Wei remember and also remember long jing voice. "Oh....! Sorry chief chu.......! I am fine......" shen wei answer politely. "Yunlan you didn't answer my question.........! What me......?" shen wei asked. And about to pulled his eyes bandages, as long jing stop him.

"Wait....! Don't pulled it......!" Ling jing shout and shen wei become more irritated by it.

"But what happened....?" shen wei asked. "just calm down wei........!" yunlan said calming shen wei and sign ling jing. Ling jing nod and gave water to wei.........

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