Chapter 53

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Yunlan cover wei body with quilt. He fall asleep after drinking that water given by ling jing. Which actually contains sleeping pills for shen wei. Because that much stress is not good for him at all, not in this condition.

Yunlan caresses wei cheeks gently and sigh. "We have to tell him the truth." yunlan turn and said to chu. "No......! You can't. He can't take that pressure yunlan. Don't forget that he is carrying a child now......." ling jing said in worries.

"He is right yunlan. We can't tell him the truth...... For now....! We will tell him, when we have a strong evidence to make him believe that his father did all this......." chu said after thinking.

"And about the baby......?" yunlan asked looking at wei. "Just wait for the right time. He might not understand you now........." ling jing suggested him. Yunlan sigh and control his tears. "Okay......! Finish this game as soon as possible......! I am going back at the hospital." Yunlan said and leave the room.

Chu looked at ling jing and then to wei. "Take care of him......." chu said and walked about to go out from the room, but ling jing stop him. "He is not a bad person chief. He didn't harm anyone at all. Its just he love his family so much. And his brother is everything to him.........and now shen wei also........" ling jing said and chu calmly listen to him.

He turned toward ling jing, "I know.....! But still he did a crime....... And one day he has to pay for it." chu said and walked out from there. Ling jing sigh and looked at wei.

"I hope you can change everything......." ling jing whispered. Yunlan can't control himself and cry standing at the corner where no one could see him like that. He feels so much pain in his heart.

He want to hold wei in his arms, but afraid of losing him after that. He doesn't want to hurt him at all by giving him hope, that there will be us one day.....! That they will be together one day.

Yunlan knew, the path he chooses to earn money is going to separate them one day.

As yunlan is so lost in his own deep thinking, the he didn't realise that chu is tapping his shoulder. Chu shake yunlan shoulder, when he didn't get any response by him.

Yunlan hurriedly wipe his eyes and cheeks realised that chu us looking at him with worry.

"You okay.....?" chu asked in concern voice. "Yeah.....! (clearing his throat) yes.... I am good......" yunlan said hiding his pain behind the fake smile. He took a deep breath and calm himself down.

"Let's go......" yunlan said looking back one again and than he walked away from there. Chu silently just watch yunlan, he saw how desperate he is to stay here, with wei. But still he have to leave him for his own good.

After that chu also join yunlan and they went back at the hospital. But their calm face suddenly became shocked and worried seeing the chaos outside daqing room.

Yunlan run inside with his all strength and barged inside the room. Chu also grit his teeth and run behind yunlan watching his officer down on the floor and badly injured and everyone else is just running here and there to protect themselves.

Chu entered inside the room after yunlan and got shocked like him. The room is badly destroyed and there is no sign of daqing there.

"Where is daqing......? Where is he.....?" chu shout at his officer who are supposed to protect him. "It.... Was a sudden...... Attack....... They came as a..... Doctor..... And attacked us....... And took daqing.... With them...." that injured officer said.

Yunlan lost his temper now, he grab that injured officer and pulled him up from the ground, harshly," What were you doing here than....? Huh...? You were supposed to protect him..... What you did to save him....... Tell me.....?" yunlan shout in anger and badly shake that officer, who hissed in pain.

Chu saw that and hurriedly stop yunlan, "Zhao yunlan...! Leave him.....! Its not the right time to scold anyone. We have to search daqing right now....... Leave him." chu said calming yunlan.

But yunlan just shout at chu also.... "You...! You are the one who is responsible for all of this. You are the one who told me, that everything is gonna be okay.....! You lie to me..... If they put a single scratch on my brother..... I am gonna kill you first....." yunlan shout and pushed back that officer and walked out in anger.

He just breathing heavily and walked angrily from there. He sit inside chu car and drive away not knowing where exactly he want to go and where he should go. But right now he just drive away from there. Otherwise he gonna do something bad right now.

"Are you insane......! He need medical treatment.....! You can't have him here like that......! He will die here." Mr. Shen shout at zhujiu when he saw that zhujiu kidnapped daqing from the hospital and seeing his condition. Mr. Shen panicked, didn't know that he is a brother of yunlan.

Zhujiu smirk and grab Mr. Shen shoulder," Don't worry about him. He is not going to die......! Not now...... And for your information, he is yunlan's brother........whom he loved the most." zhujiu Said and Mr. Shen widen his eyes. He looked at the pale face of daqing and frown.

"What you gonna do now.....?" Mr. Shen asked still looking at daqing. "I am make yunlan pay for our loss.......! He will be our pawn now......." zhujiu said wickedly and Mr. Shen start thinking about it.

On the other side yunlan suddenly stop the car as his body is trembling due to anger and fear. He don't know where to look for his brother. He just walked out from the car and slammed the car door in anger.

He shout loudly looking up in the sky....... Its a dark night with a star in the sky. Yunlan looked up with a teary eyes and lots of questions........... In his heart..........

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