Chapter 6

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Shen wei thinking that he is probably dead by now. But why.......he still feels his surroundings. And feel pressure upon his hands and legs. He try to shout but can't. He now understand what is happening....he is being kidnapped.......

But why.....? did they want money....? shen wei thought try to move but, as he moved he fall down on the floor with a loud thud. Ling jing who is sleeping in front of tilt his head sleeping deeply.

He didn't open his eyes and stay asleep. Shen wei closed his eyes feeling pain......he didn't panic or try to do anything......he don't know where he is.....? He have no idea how many of them and what are they doing.

Shen wei wait for some time, thinking that if someone watching over him, must come near to him to grab him when he fall down. So he guess that no one is watching over him. He slowly make his another move.....

He move his body to sit up first....luckily the couch help him, and shen wei somehow sit up. Now the next move is to wait to see if anyone comes to get him or not......and when he heared someone snoring, not near but still he can hear clearly..........

He guessed that, whoever watching over him must be sleeping. So shen wei move his body, and move his arms from behind to the front by crossing under his! he must have flexible body......

Well he took a deep breath and calm his senses to stay alert and not get panic in this situation. He firstly remove the cloth from his mouth and then start untying his hands.....and then his legs. Now he is totally free and he can still hear the snoring.

But now he have to go out from there, but how....? he don't know where to go....where is the door or window....he don't even know that whether he should move right now or not. He took his chances and Firstly moved his hands upon the couch....

To find something useful, but there is nothing....he then moved his hand slowly and steady in front of them. His hand touch something hard and small......that's a small table.....he slowly check the table and found a knife in fruit basket.....

"Yes...! This might help me...." shen wei thought. He can still hear snoring......wei didn't stood up as he crawl on the floor waving his hands in front of him....but he is crawling towards ling jing.....and his hands are about to touch his legs.....

As he stop....! He can clearly hear the snoring, that means he is near to his kidnapper. So he slowly turn opposite side and gulped down in fear. His whole body is shaking in fear and sweating badly.

Because he know....if someone caught him right now....they will beat him to the death. He took a deep breath and crawl on the opposite side.....he reached back near the table and hit his head with it.....

He covered his mouth as he is about to hiss in pain.....ling jing again tilt his head but stay in his deep sleep. wei got stun for a moment, but then he again crawl ahead........and yeah...! he found a window......which is broken or damage.......

Shen wei could feel the air on his face...he examine the window.......and got cut as some broken glasses still attached to the window. But he just ignored it......his hand bleeding badly........he about to jump out but stop.

"what if he is on a top floor and jumping from there might be dangerous for him. So he check his surrounding.......but found nothing. Then he remembered the fruits upon the table. He again kneeled down and crawl towards the table.

He now easily remembered the position of the table, so he didn't waste time. He grab one fruit from the table and crawled back to the window......he stood up and throw the fruit outside hearing clearly to see how deeply is it.

But he smile hearing the light sound coming from outside as soon as he throw the fruit out. So now he is sure that he can jump out from here. As he did and landed perfectly on his feet. He is now free and run in any direction.....

not knowing where he should go...and where he is right now. All he can hear the ruffle of the dry leafs under his feet. He might be in the forest. Because he hit himself so many time with the large trees.

"I should find the road....! Maybe someone help me......." shen wei mumbled and run, he just wanted to get away from here as soon as possible.......but his bad...! As he is running....he hit again with someone.......

It's not a tree but a person......"Is anybody here...? please....! help me...." shen wei shout and plead for help as he thought, that there is someone who can help him. but damn....! That's yunlan.....

who is shockingly looking at him and frown.......he grit his teeth and grab shen wei wrist......"Please help me.....ples....." shen wei stop his pleading hearing the chuckle from the person.

Shen wei try to sense him and the same scent hit his nose....."NO!!!!! HELP.....!!HEL.....mmmm" shen wei shout as soon as he realized that it's the same person who kidnapped him. His chocolate fragrance wei can't forget at all..........

Yunlan covered his mouth as soon as shen wei start shouting loudly for help. And it's so quite right now......his shouting is echoed in the forest.......ling jing got startled hearing that shouting, he open his eyes and saw on the couch.

He got panic..."where did he go.......?" ling jing panic. He came near the couch and found rope on the floor. He got shocked and panic.......ling jing run outside to found where shen wei.....shen wei muffled and try to break yunlan grip from his hand and mouth.

Yunlan groan in frustration and soon he saw ling jing running towards them. "ah....yunlan...! I thought he is escape........" ling jing said taking his breath. "He is....if i didn't came in again fall asleep...won't you........?" yunlan asked in his cold voice.

This is the first time shen wei heared two new voices. The one is who captured him and one who is guarding him. He heared yunlan name and his cold voice....hearing his voice shen wei got more scare....

He is dead now....because hearing his voice, shen wei can guess that he is really pissed off. Ling jing awkwardly look at yunlan..."i....didn't.....sleep....just taking" ling jing said fearing that yunlan might hit him first.

Shen wei try really hard to push yunlan.......wei pushed him as he is busy talking with ling jing and grab the knife which he hides during running outside......he raise that knife towards yunlan. And they two got shocked....

"how did he get it.......?" yunlan asked gritting his teeth. "I don't know...." ling jing said. And shen wei examine where they two are standing....he point knife towards yunlan..."who are you...? why did you kidnapped me....?" shen wei shout.

And they two didn't utter a word. Yunlan sign ling jing to move a little to distract shen wei. And ling jing did the same. Hearing the movement shen wei point his knife towards the noise....yunlan attack shen wei as soon as he turn.....

He hovered upon shen wei and snatch that knife from his hand....."leave me...!!" shen wei shout as yunlan slap him lightly....."shut up...! Don't you dare to make any body help you......" he said coldly.

But shen wei still shout his lungs out and trying so hard to move away from yunlan cage. "you little devil....." yunlan said feeling really tough to handle this one. In all his kidnapping no body fought against him like that.

And this person who cannot even see......he even got escaped from there cage...............

I See you...... ❤️Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ