Chapter 17

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Yunlan snap open his eyes when he heared a light knock upon the door. He move suddenly making shen wei hissed. Yunlan looked at shen wei, he flutter his eyes and finally open his doer eyes. "are you okay.....?" yunlan asked grabbing shen wei chin.

Shen wei thought he is dreaming and still in the water hole. He screamed and shout for help.....yunlan embrace him..."You are safe....! You are safe...." yunlan said calming shen wei. Shen wei hugged yunlan, hearing his voice make wei live again and gave hope.

"Don't leave me alone......" shen wei mumbled to yunlan. And yunlan widen his eyes. He looked at shen wei scare face....then again knock on door snapped him back. "I am here....." yunlan said as he stood up leaving shen wei there.

Shen wei breath heavily and open his arms trying to grab yunlan wherever he is. Yunlan assure him that he is just here, yunlan hurriedly open the door wearing his shirt. He frown looking at zhu hong here.

Zhu hong smile fade away when she saw, yunlan is wearing back his shirt, she shake her head and put a smile upon her face again. "i brought you something to eat....! you must be hungry..." zhu hong said.

She walked inside despite of yunlan stopping.....she again frown seeing shen wei shirt half open and his messy look telling her an another story. she grit her teeth but again calm her anger.she placed the tray on the table and turn.

"I am here to apologies........" zhu hong said and shen wei heared her voice. "She try to kill me...." shen wei shout at zhu hong and start hiding himself and shout for yunlan name to save him. yunlan hold him....."I told you not to show your face......get out......." yunlan shout in anger.

"Look i was angry at that for some reason......! I am sorry please accept this food....." zhu hong said politely. shen wei tremble hearing her voice and grab yunlan arm in fear......"we will talk tomorrow.....go now..." yunlan said calmly this time and zhu hong slam her foot on the floor in anger.

She sigh and walked out from the room.......she angrily walked downstairs and sit on the couch...."I am gonna wait for you yunlan to come down for me......" zhu hong said to himself and smirking. she grab her phone and start doing something while waiting for yunlan to eat the food.

She knew that yunlan won't resist the food at any cost. He is really a food person, and love to eat.........

Yunlan calm shen wei..."it's okay...she is gone...." yunlan said looking at shen wei face. "Are you okay......?" yunlan asked calmly. And shen wei nod......."Please...! I want to go home....! Please...i beg you let me go......" shen wei pleaded to yunlan. And yunlan sigh ," i can't do that...! But i promise you no one ever touch you again.........okay.." yunlan said looking at the drip attached to shen wei.

He removed the needle and shen wei hissed a little in pain. "Thank you....." shen wei said. "for what...?" yunlan asked. "For saving my life.....! Thank you for that......" shen wei said. Yunlan sigh and looked at the tray left by zhu hong.

"Are you hungry...?" yunlan asked. And shen wei nod no. "but i am...." yunlan said and grab the plate of food. Zhu hong is right, yunlan can't resist food. Yunlan took a bite first ,"hmmm it's delicious....." yunlan said enjoying the food.

shen wei just sit there hearing the voices yunlan make. After having half of the food yunlan walk towards shen wei....."here..! have something...! You are becoming pale......." yunlan said offering him one bite. shen wei open his mouth hesitantly. He start munching the food and a loud wind blow.....

Making shen startled and the door slammed together loudly. Yunlan hurriedly closed the door and window because shen wei getting scare now. shen wei gulped down the food and yunlan smile. "want more......?" yunlan asked.

Shen wei nod yes. Yunlan smile and feed him by himself, and shen wei didn't stop him at all. After that he grab water, and give it to shen wei.....and also drink one. shen wei wipe his mouth and sigh. Yunlan placed the plate back as his hand start trembling.

He felt he is getting hot. He checked his temperature and found that he is badly sweating. Everything around him start moving. A sudden desire of have someone raised inside him. Yunlan body start acting on his own.

Shen wei also feel uncomfortable. It never happen to him before. Why he have a sudden urge of touching his body and feel the warmth of the other one. She wei tightly clinch the quilt as his body tremble a little.

But yunlan who is now hungrily looking at shen wei, have lost all his senses at that time. He lick his lower lips and walk near shen wei, removing his shirt and throw it away. he sit next to shen wei and sniff him, inhaling his scent.

Shen wei felt the tickle sensation as a small groan escaped his mouth, shen wei cover his mouth fearing that yunlan might think him as a pervert person. But he don't know that the pervert prince is sitting next to him.

Yunlan heared the groan of shen wei that's it. He throw himself upon shen wei body and hover upon him. Shen wei didn't want to protest right now. His mind saying that it's wrong but his body do the opposite, like it have his own brain and that brain want yunlan to have him as he want.

"yunlan....!! what are you doing...? This is wrong...." shen wei try to pushed him away but somewhere in his heart he want to let yunlan touch him. Shen wei didn't want that they feel sorry about that later. But he didn't know that they both are now under the influence of the drug given zhu hong.  Yunlan groan as he lick shen wei neck, like he is tasting the food before eating it.

Shen wei closed his eyes and pushed yunlan away somehow, and fall down on the floor. He start running here and there looking for the panic. Yunlan grit his teeth in frustration. 'where are you going....? you will be mine tonight......." yunlan said grabbing shen wei arm.

"Please....!! don't do this...! This is wrong....! i am a man...! Please don't do this to doing wrong" shen wei pleaded. But yunlan have lost his mind right now. He captured shen wei and slammed his plump lips to shen wei soft one.

He grab shen wei head and face and pushed inside his tongue to shen wei mouth. And sucking the sweet taste of shen wei. He devoured him as he like. She wei also lost his senses now and he start responding yunlan hungry kisses and moaned in between their kissing.

 Yunlan tied shen wei one hand and dragged him back to bed tying him with the bed, so that he won't run away from him. Shen wei grab yunlan neck with his other hand and pull him more towards himself. Yunlan devoured shen wei sucked his tongue like it's some kind of sweet lollipop, that he like. 

yunlan tear shen wei shirt and shut his mouth with his. yunlan droll over shen wei body which is shining like a crystal, wearing only shorts on his body.

Yunlan removed his clothes and hovered upon shen wei body tightly grabbing his both hand, making a mark upon his skin. She wei muffled and groan under yunlan hot naked body. He could feel something hard and hot rubbing against his lower part making him go insane........

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