Chapter 40

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It's morning and sun shine brightly and birds start flying here and there...... Shen wei who is having a bad dream again frown...... He felt that he is being falling down and down..... And something just pulling him down with force. He wanted to shout one name. One name that gave strength to him, that's make him feel safe, when danger comes.

But he felt that his voice is being struck inside his throat. Tears fall down as he continuesly falling down. Feels like this is a never ending process. He feel like, this is the end of his life.......

But he heared a familiar voice calling his name. Shen wei feel happy, but soon his happiness convert into his fear as he remember what happened when yunlan taking him back.

He scream and woke up. Making yezhun scare also who is also sleeping beside him. "Ge....? Are you okay....?" yezhun asked. But shen wei feel more scared as he thought that this is all dream. He feel disgusting and shout again "Don't you dare to touch me.....!!!" wei said.

He run outside, not realizing that he is already at his home and not dreaming right now. Yezhun also run behind shen wei. Fearing that he might get hurt. But he stop when he saw shen wei bumped with someone and now embracing him dearly.

That's yunlan..... As shen wei run outside he bumped with someone, and knew instantly that it's yunlan. He hugged yunlan dearly and cry in fear. "He... He try.... To.... To...." shen wei shutter while crying heavily. Yunlan embrace shen wei dearly despite of, feeling pain really much.

He came there with chu and guo as per there plan to protect shen wei and disclose those person who act as his saviour. Yezhun walk near them and looked at chu.

Yunlan pulled shen wei in his arms and walked towards the couch. And calm him down, "It's okay....! I am here...... I am here....." yunlan whispered to shen wei while soothing him. And yezhun arch his eyebrows seeing yunlan action towards his gege.

But he didn't ask anything for now. His priorities is right now, is his gege. Shen wei calm down as soon as yunlan embrace him. And his words work like a magic spell to him. He feel safe and secure right now. Forgetting about everything that happened before.

Yezhun give water to his hehe and yunlan help him to drink it. "You are back at your home shen wei....." yunlan said and shen wei got shocked and surprised. At that time yezhun also hold shen wei hand to make him believe that he is actually back.

Shen wei can't believe that. He surprisingly touch yezhun face to make himself believe that his brother is actually here. "Didi.....!! Is that you.....?" shen wei asked in his happy voice feeling yezhun is here.

"Yes.... Hehe! I am here. You are back ge.... You are back....!" yezhun said and hearing noises Mr. Shen woke up and walked out. He frown seeing chu here with someone else and shen wei is awake now.

He put on his fake worried face and run towards shen wei." wei my son! You are awake.....! "Mr. Shen Said and shen wei smile happily hearing his father voice. He run towards his father voice and found him. Wei hugged his father dearly as others just control their anger for now.

Because his father is one who did all this. And now faking everything in front of him. "I miss you....! I miss you all so much...... Where is. Where is Baba.....?" shen wei asked about his grandfather.

"Ah...Ge. Why don't you take a rest for now. After that you can meet him....." yezhun said not giving wei the shocking news about his grandfather. Shen wei frown as he sensed that something is not right. "what happen....? Is he okay....?" shen wei asked fearing that his grandfather is not well.

"Son....! Take a rest....! I will call the doctor, so that they will check you and after that you can meet your grandfather. Okay....?" Mr. Shen said and glare at the new person who continuesly just gazing at him coldly.

Shen wei nod as he really feel exhausted crying that much and feeling calm right now. Feeling safe, that he is back with his family and moreover yunlan is also here.

Yezhun helped his gege to walk back and shen wei went inside washroom to take a bath right now. After leaving wei inside the washroom. Yezhun walked out and found that his uncle is shouting at chu again....

"Why are you here.....? Didn't i told you to back off...... And here you are again. With this......" Mr. Shen shout gazing at yunlan. Yunlan really wanted to punched him. Who pretend  to be his wei caring father.

But he calm his anger and walk slowly towards Mr. Shen....." I am zhao. Zhao yunlan.... Sir. I am the one who bring your... Son back. Safely...." yunlan said firmly looking straight to Mr. Shen eyes.

Mr. Shen glare at yunlan and didn't like the way he is talking to him. "So....! What you want....? Reward......? How much you want..... Name your price....." Mr. Shen shout. Yunlan smirk..... "Will you give me what I want.....?" yunlan asked.

Mr. Shen who feel a little bit of insult said yes. And that's what yunlan want. "I want shen wei....." yunlan said firmly. "WHAT....!?" Mr. Shen and yezhun shout together. And chu also got shocked hearing that. Mr. Shen angrily looked at yunlan.....

"Who do you think you are huh....? You dare ask for my son. Who the hell are you....?" Mr. Shen shout. Yunlan smirk.... "I am his protector and will always be with him until he is totally safe.....! So tell me sir...... Will you give me what I ask..... As my reward.....?" yunlan asked.

Mr. Shen looked at yunlan from head to toe, "If my son say that...... Then I will see. And if he refuses to be with you. Don't you dare to show your face to me again....." Mr. Shen said thinking that this man is just bluffing right now.

Yezhun didn't interept there talking, thinking that, that's there planning to protect his wei ge. Mr. Shen walked inside wei room in anger. And at that time shen wei just walked out from washroom wearing bathrobe and looking for his clothes in his wardrobe.

Mr. Shen grab shen wei elbow roughly that make shen wei hissed in pain with sudden move.... "Who is zhao yunlan..... To you...?" Mr. Shen asked.

Shen wei frown didn't know what to say and why his father asking him that question all of a sudden. "He... He is.... Is my.... My....." shen wei shutter and with every single words. Mr. Shen tighten the grip around shen wei arm......

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