Chapter 16

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Yunlan angrily look at zhu hong..."I told you to look after him.....! what is she doing here....?" Yunlan asked to ling jing in anger. Ling jing gulped down, seeing yunlan in such anger. "It's not his fault yunlan....! I was alone downstairs, so i thought to accompany him...." zhu hong said calmly.

Yunlan placed his bag on the floor and walked closer to zhu hong..."You really have some serious problem....! Tell me.....! Why did you do this to him....?" yunlan asked pointing towards shen wei. "I don't know........' zhu hong said not looking at yunlan face at all. "Wow...!! You don't know...? you almost kill him.....and like that....?" yunlan shout and ling jing calm him down.

"Don't shout here yunlan....! You will disturb him........" ling jing said. And yunlan sigh looking at the other side. "Leave this room right now.....! And don't show me your face at all........" yunlan said gritting his teeth and zhu hong looked at him with shocked face....then to ling jing.

Ling jing nod her and she walked out peeking to shen wei. Yunlan grab his bag in frustration and throw it aside, near the bed. "how is he...?" yunlan asked drinking some water...."He is still sleeping and he is fine now........" ling jing replied.

yunlan grab his clothes from the bag and went to washroom to change it. After changing his clothes he sit in front of ling jing, and ling jing offer him a tea. "I called them......" ling jing said. "what's there response....?" yunlan asked sipping his tea. They panicked at that time........

"They will panic more hearing his voice....." yunlan said. They both stay silent for some minutes and silently drink their tea. After finishing his tea, ling jing clear his throat.."how's daqing......?" ling jing start the conversation. "He is good....just gets upset about me leaving him for work......" yunlan said making the air quote.

Ling jing smile..."don't worry yunlan he will be okay one day....." ling jing said. Yunlan took a deep breath,"I know....! And soon that day will come.....he will bring that day to me......." yunlan said looking at she wei. "About him.....! Yunlan....why did you try to save him first.....and didn't follow the order....because the call just came today from him......." ling jing asked.

Yunlan looked at ling jing ,"I don't want to kill him at all. He is innocent one and just need someone to taken care of......! I am really surprise despite of his blindness, he can do almost everything on his own......He is a billionaire.....and we are just taking some money from him......for this he have to stay alive. If we kill him, and police fund his body....then the game is over for us all........." yunlan said.

"hmmm.....i really like the way you thinks......i wonder, why zhu hong try to kill him than. I never sen her so much angry before....." ling jing said grabbing his laptop and other things. Yunlan just frown and didn't say anything.

"I am going to take a nap now....! If you need me...give a knock....." ling jing said and walked out from the room. Yunlan smile and call daqing. "Is your friend came......?" yunlan asked. "yes ge...he is here.....! And don't worry...we are watching movie right now....." daqing said and cut the call. Yunlan tilt his head and smile looking at the wallpaper of daqing in his phone.

"soon....! you can run and do everything i the world as you like......" yunlan said and placed the phone on the table. He looked outside the rain is getting slower by now, but still the lighting struck moment to moment with a cold wind.

Yunlan pull the chair closer to the bed and watch over shen wei sleeping body. He remove his air from his eyes and see his face. "Oh....! He is cold as ice....." yunlan mumbled and covered his body properly with quilt.

After sometime he again check and still his body is cold. Yunlan got worried, he check his breathing and placed his ear upon shen wei chest to hear his heartbeat. He sigh relief, when he found everything is okay.

"He need some heat...." yunlan thought and also layed beside shen wei, he start rubbing his arms and back with his palm. Shen wei snuggle to yunlan more as he felt the warmth of yunlan body. Yunlan open his shirt few button and removed his shirt.

He than let shen wei chest pressed to his warm body. Some say that direct body contact would help anyone to get warm easily. And yunlan did that, and it help......shen wei body start getting normal. And yunlan pressed his bare naked chest more to shen wei.

At some point. It seems like yunlan tightly embracing shen wei in his hold. He could feel the heartbeat of shen wei and also how he is inhaling air and blowing it out. Yunlan just closing his eyes feeling shen wei body in his hold.

You rich people....have so much money..! But after that...why don't you have enough fat upon your body....." yunlan mumbled to shen wei feeling how thin this man is and how less fat he have to make himself warm.......

Loud thunder struck outside and shen wei body tremble by the impact. Yunlan moved his hand behind shen wei back to calm him down. He start liking doing that, he could feel that under that shirt, shen wei have soft body and smooth as silk. He shake his head and stop rubbing his back. As the dirty thoughts start coming towards his mind.

"what you want zhu hong......?" ling jing ask when he is getting stop by her all of a sudden, while going inside of his room. "I need your help....." zhu hong said. " not going to kill him for you......" ling jing said looking at zhu hong suspiciously. "I am not......! Do you have that pills, which can increase the desire of someone......" zhu hong said.

Ling jing jaw drop..."are you going to have ......i mean you want to seeeexxxx with wei.....?" ling jing asked shockingly. Zhu hong grit her teeth. "No...! I have someone special and i want him to confess his love to me and take me......come you have it.......?" zhu hong asked.

Ling jing smile..."aiyoo...aiyoo....let me you go...! Only gave one pill to your lover. He will fall for you..." ling jing said giving her the pills. "and if i make it two....?" zhu hong asked. "Then he will loose his senses and can't hear what you are saying and will not remember what he is doing and done......." ling jing said.

Zhu hong think of something, "Okay..! Thank you..." zhu hong said. And walked away. Ling jing scratches his head and yawn he walked inside his room and locked it. zhu hong looked back and found that ling jing already went to his room.

She smirk and look at the time, It's 6:00 p.m ,"Let see zhao yunlan....! how you gonna resist me now.....?" zhu hong smirk while looking at the pills. She walked towards the kitchen and turn on the stove............she start humming a song slowly and making something.......

After preparing, she crushed two pills together and mixed it well in the food. "let you push me away this time. I will make you mine and i am yours...." zhu hong said. She wear a hot black short dress and did some makeup to impress yunlan. 

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