Chapter 9

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Shen wei feel that yunlan removed that shackles from his wrist. He rub his hand feeling numb and hurt. yunlan saw that his hand got bruised due to shackles. Yunlan didn't said anything and nor did shen wei. He grab shen wei elbow and dragged him outside with him. Shen wei got shocked...."Hey..!! where are you taking me now....! leave me.....!" shen wei shout.

Yunlan just pulled him up on his shoulder and walked down stairs. shen wei got shocked when he felt that yunlan gently lay on the chair. He gulped down in fear, thinking that he is about to die now......

Yunlan grab some food and grab shen wei jaw to open his mouth and shoved it inside....."chew....! or this will be your last meal...." yunlan said and looked at shen wei. "please let me go....! What have i done wrong with you......?" shen wei said. And yunlan smack his fist on the table.

Making not only shen wei but also ling jing startled...."Do what i say....! And speak when i say......!" yunlan said coldly and shen wei didn't utter a word. Yunlan again try to force feed him as shen wei stop him....

"i...i can my self...." shen wei said shuttering. "" yunlan said and pointing his hand towards the palate and chopstick. shen wei start eating and sniffing in between. Meanwhile yunlan sign ling jing and ling jing poured something in the water and mixed it well.

"Here is the water......" yunlan said placing water near shen wei hand...after finishing with food shen wei drink all the water in one go. Because he is feeling thirsty from the morning........Yunlan and ling jing just saw shen wei.......

Who is holding his head after drinking water, and try really hard to stay awake. But soon his body loosen up on the chair and he totally blanked out. Yunlan grab him, so that he will not fall from the chair....

"He won't open his eyes until sunset......" ling jing said packing his laptop. Yunlan looked at him and call daqing telling him that he will be late. yunlan house is already in the starting of the city. So he can easily went their and came back to his home.

Ling jing and zhu hong will have to stay with shen wei for now. "should we tie him.....?" ling jing asked. And yunlan nod.....he looked at shen wei injuries and bruises. and his's all got dirty. And he is wearing a night pajama shirt right now.

"Do you have extra clothes....?" yunlan asked. and ling jing nod no......yunlan sigh and tie shen wei properly and make sure that he doesn't got hurt by that. "remind me to get some clothes for him.....! Let's go....." yunlan said and ling jing carry all the things and yunlan carry shen wei on his shoulder.

ling jing make a small blast inside the house and destroy anything that left behind and walked towards the car hidden in the forest.........They took the shortcut where police will not be checking.........

"Tell me Guo changcheng.....! If you are blind and wanted to go somewhere else.....will you do you bed....?" Chief chu asked looking at the perfectly clean bed. Like no one is here sleeping before.

"No....! I won't do anything at.....and how can i make the bed, when i can't see....." Guo said. "Hmmmm....! Looks like something happen here.....and someone try to cover their track......! Call the forensic team.....! Tell them to look for the fingerprints.......and circulate shen wei picture around the police department.......!" Chu said and Guo just writing everything down.......

"Where are you going sir.....?" Guo asked seeing his chief is now walking out. "Let's have a tour here......! Come........" chu said and Guo put back his notebook and grab his cell phone, to call the forensic team while running outside following Chu.

At shen mansion,

"slap.....!!! how dare you....? how could you let this happen...? where is my wei.....? where he is.....?" Shen wei grandfather slap his son and grab his collar in anger. Everyone around him got scare looking at him in rage. Despite of old age, he still have that strong aura that everyone feared to mess with this old man.

And seeing him in rage, making other shivers to their core. "dad...!! I am......" Mr. shen again try to say but shen wei grandfather hit him again. "you are all pathetic....! It's my fault....! My mistake that i trusted you......I....I..." And Mr. shen having trouble in breathing.

He coughed and fall down on his knees and Mr. shen grab his father......."dad....!! the doctor.....!!" Mr. shen shout and shen wei grand father closed his eyes mumbling shen wei name..........

"He get's a stress attack....!! Let him sleep for a while....and don't let him take stress...." doctor said after examining shen wei grandfather. He leave and Mr. shen fall back on the chair in shocked...."what is going here......? where are you wei..........?' Mr. shen mumbled as tears fall upon his cheeks and yezhun grab his shoulder to calm him down.

"Baba...!!" shen wei mumbled in his unconscious state. Ling jing frown....."I think he is mumbling something.....!" Ling jing said to yunlan. "Don't worry......some people do that......just keep checking........" Yunlan said while speeding up the car. Fearing that he might be awake.

It's 2:30 p.m and yunlan reached at his friend guest house. which look luxurious......ling jing shockingly look at the house...."wow...i could live here forever......" ling jing said holding his stuff and running inside.

"And i am gonna kill you here......" yunlan shout when he saw ling jing already left him there. He sigh and looked at shen wei. His long hair are covering his sweaty face.......yunlan gently move his hair from his face and admire him for a second.

He just got lost seeing shen wei calmly breathing. "yunlan...!! where is the key......?" ling jing shout and yunlan came back to his senses. He came near to him and smack his head.....and press the security code at the side of the house.

"wow.....i like it even more....." ling jing said as the door open and he grab all their stuff and run inside. Yunlan grit his teeth and walk back to his car. Grab shen wei in his arms like a groom carrying his bride ! He walked inside looking here and there.

The house is situated near the hill and around this house, no other house can be seen. All the area is really beautiful and calm..........Yunlan walked inside and saw ling jing coughing. "Are you enjoying the house....?" yunlan asked teasingly.

Because this house is closed for almost 10 years and is really dirty. His friend is living out of the country and settle their. So he didn't come back here at all. Ling jing cough and open the curtain to get some air.........

Ling jing removed sheets from the large couch and yunlan layed shen wei their. "Let's start cleaning this house.....!" yunlan said and ling jing pout his mouth. But two start cleaning all the house hurriedly.......

It's getting dark outside now, and yunlan , ling jing sitting on the couch totally exhausted. But the house look really neat and clean. They have done good job.....! "i need food......!" ling jing said in exhausted voice.......

"Go......bring dinner and some clothes for him......." yunlan order ling jing and he pop his eyes out. "I am also tired here.......! I am not your servant........" ling jing whined and yunlan arch his eyebrow looking at him.....

He gulped down and walked out from the house.....yunlan sigh and looked at shen wei....he then smell himself...."Gosh....! i need a bath......(looking at shen wei dirty clothes) looks like you also need one......." Yunlan said while smirking.     

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