Chapter 30

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After walking inside the room, yunlan and shen wei is now standing near the window. Shen wei feel alive as the wind touched his skin and tickle him a little bit. He chuckled and yunlan smile seeing shen wei happy. "The weather outside is getting cold....! Probably it's going to be a rainy night....." yunlan said.

"Oh i love rain......but i hate lightning....." shen wei whined. Yunlan remembered how much shen wei got scare by the lighting, and he have to stay with him whole night and he did what he should not done.

"want some tea gentleman......?" ling jing asked knocking the door. "yeah sure....!" yunlan said. "come downstairs than....." ling jing said. Yunlan asked shen wei for tea and he nod yes. "let's go than have tea together....! Maybe this moment will not come again........" yunlan said and helped shen wei to walk down stairs.

Making zhu hong blood boil in anger, but she put smile on her face. Yunlan make shen wei sit next to him and ling jing gave tea to them all. 

"It's the first time, where kidnappers and the victim enjoy tea together....! To shen wei...." ling jing said and raised his tea cup for toast. Everyone laughed and toast as well. "yeah....! everything is happening here. For the first time........." zhu hong said while looking at shen wei and shen wei became scare a little hearing zhu hong voice.

Zhu hong smirk when she saw shen wei getting scare by her. But yunlan glare at her and hold shen wei hand in front of them making ling jing choked on his tea. But yunlan just ignored him. He fully focused upon shen wei right now.

"It's okay...! she won't hurt you....AGAIN...!" yunlan said widening his eyes to zhu hong. Shen wei nod and pull his hand back. Feeling shy in front of the others. He start sipping his tea slowly and didn't utter a word. 

After having tea together zhu hong just glare at shen wei non stop. Like she is reading shen wei, with focused. Ling jing saw that. He coughed to distract her. Otherwise, if yunlan saw her glaring at shen wei like that. He will definitely do something in his anger.

He still remember that hard push by yunlan, in his jealous.......he don't want that yunlan push zhu hong out of the house. Zhu hong avert her gaze to ling jing so does yunlan, as he coughed. "So.......when will shen wei going back.....?" ling jing asked to change the atmosphere.

"As soon as he ready to get back.......!" yunlan said. "I want to go home......! I am feeling good......" shen wei said feeling happy that they really getting him free from here. "Not so fast shen wei....! Your body is still week. let your wound heel properly okay..." ling jing said and shen wei nod. 

After having tea together yunlan took shen wei back to his room and about to make him sit on bed. when shen wei stop him...."can we go near the window....? I love the wind....." shen wei said and yunlan smile hearing that.

He about to help him when shen wei normally walk towards the window like he is seeing it with his own eyes. Yunlan got surprise....."how did you do that...?" he asked walking near to him. "I memorize it....." shen wei said smiling.

Yunlan look at shen wei amazing memory. "wow...! That's.....great...!" yunlan said. "It my way of seeing things.....! Calculate the steps........" shen wei said closing his eyes and feeling the wind upon his face.

Yunlan look outside dark clouds form together to pour rain upon them, but right now, only wind are blowing outside. "shen wei can i say something to you......?" yunlan ask hesitantly. Shen wei open his eyes and turn his head toward yunlan voice. "yes....!" shen wei replied.

"Shen wei...! I know you have so many reason to hate me, us.....but believe me. I am not like that before. I was a normal. Working. human being, but time change me......moreover the requirements change me......i have no other choice left rather than to choose this life.....! But trust me i never hurt anyone or kill anyone. we just do kidnapping or give threatening but never ever killed anyone......." yunlan said.

shen wei blink his doer eyes making yunlan almost on his knees, wei took a deep breath,"I don't know why you are telling me all this...! I don't know the reason...why you choose this life....but trust me. I never ever hate you or your friends....! I know people like me die everyday....just for money. They are not lucky enough to get a chance. But i did......and i promise, i won't waste this life save by you...." shen wei said sweetly.

Yunlan feel the heavy burden taken off from his shoulder. But there is one more burden that he have to tell shen wei and this is the right time. "there is something else that i have to tell you....." yunlan said feeling scare right now.

He don't know how shen wei will react to this. But he gather his courage and about to tell when light went off. "shit..! This light..." yunlan cursed. "Oh it went off...?" shen wei asked. "yeah..can't you see...?" yunlan said and close his eyes as he realize what he just said to him.

But shen wei smile to this,"Exactly...i can't see..." shen wei said and laugh a little. "i am sorry...i just forgot that..." yunlan feel guilty. shen wei sigh and again turn his head toward window. "Funny....cause i also forgot that i can't see..." shen wei said sadly. 

Staying here with them makes shen wei feel warmness of friends and family. They take care of him like a family and talk to him like a friend. Which he never feel in his big mansion and always wanted to live like that. Where no one tease him for his blindness and make a joke about it every single time. 

Yunlan looked at shen wei sad face and sigh, "I should check..." yunlan said and turn to leave as the big lightning struck and shen wei screamed in fear. He turn and grab yunlan from behind tightly. "Don't leave me i am scare..." shen wei said fearing. 

Yunlan got stun as all of a sudden shen wei hold him from behind. Yunlan turn his body and embrace shen wei in his hold. As again light struck and rain start pouring outside. Shen wei tremble hearing the lightning sound.

He tightly hugged yunlan and closed his eyes. "It's okay..! It's just a lightning.....! I am here..." yunlan said soothing shen wei right now. He closed the window and walk toward the bed holding shen wei in his hold.

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