Chapter 58

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Yezhun run towards his grandpa room when he sense that zhujiu about to turned. He wipe his sweating face and entered inside the room. Zhujiu checked outside and found no one there. So he walk back inside and shut the door tightly this time.

After sometime yezhun and Mr. Shen helped, grandpa to get inside the car. Wang helped him sit comfortably and they all are ready to get back now. When Mr. Shen got a text. He read it and looked at yezhun, "I have some important work.....! Yezhun... Take dad home, drive carefully. I will be there...... Okay." Mr. Shen said and get off from the car. Yezhun nod and take the driving seat. They drive away from there.

Mr. Shen gazed at them and yezhun gazed at his uncle from the side mirror and feel something weird. Mr. Shen walked away as soon as there car disappeared from his sight and he walked inside the parking area.

Yezhun stop the car to check of the brakes are working properly. He even checked car properly. He don't want to take any chance. "What are you looking for yezhun....?" Wang asked.

"Nothing...! I feel that the tyres are puncture......" Yezhun said and check his surrounding. He took a deep breath and again sit inside the car. "Why he is gazing at us.....?" yezhun thought.

"Why are we stopping here yezhun....?" Grandpa said really wanted to get back home as soon as possible to see wei.

Yezhun came back from his thoughts and start the car.

At hospital parking,

"That officer....! He didn't learn his lesson....... He is spoiling our plan....." zhujiu said in anger. Mr. Shen and he is sitting inside zhujiu car. "Not only that......! I think our biggest obstacle is still alive......" Mr. Shen said in mad.

Zhujiu frown"What do you mean by that......? "he asked." I just heared yezhun talked to someone and he said that take care of gege......!And you won't take care of a dead person........ " Mr. Shen Said. Zhujiu grot his teeth in anger...." How did this happen......? You burry him..... Won't you....? "zhujiu shout in disbelief.

"leave it to me....! Just take care of that officer. He is not getting off from my tail..... And as soon as he is here. We won't be able to do anything....." Mr. Shen.

"just take care of this matter now....! I will take care of that officer...." Zhujiu said and Mr. Shen nod to him. He get off from zhujiu car and walked away. Zhujiu took a deep breath and called zhu Hong but got no response at all.

He is unaware that his new pawn is under arrest right now. Zhujiu drive away from there but someone block his car with his own.

Zhujiu angrily walked out yelling at the other one who block his car. But he got shocked seeing chu there.

"Hello Mr. Zhujiu......! We haven't talked properly before......! Let's have a cup of coffee with me....." chu said coldly smirking at him. And zhujiu gulped down seeing that smirk upon chu face. 

Mr. Shen took a cab and reached at home. He got stun as soon as he entered inside the house. Grandpa is happily hugging someone, and yunlan standing near them. Yezhun and Wang also smiling standing there.
Mr. Shen frown and walked near them slowly.

As soon he walked near them he can clearly saw who is there embracing his dad. It's shen wei..... Who is happily hugging his grandpa.

Mr. Shen face became pale seeing him there, alive and healthy. "Dad....! Is that you....?" Shen wei said as soon as he sense his father near him. Mr. Shen is so shocked that he didn't respond to wei. And yezhun shake his uncle a bit.

"Ye..... Yes....! Son....! I... I am here......" Mr. Shen still not believing that shen wei is alive. Wei happily hugged his dad also and embrace him tightly.

Mr. Shen hugged him back in shocked checking him if he is really here. Mr. Shen looked at yunlan and they both gazed at each other....

" I am really happy that you save our son and protect him....." Grandpa said holding yunlan hand in his hands. Yunlan smile and kneels down near him. "It's my pleasure that I can save a pure soul like him....." yunlan said and shen wei heared that.

A small smile appeared upon his lips but still he is mad at yunlan for what he said about his dad. But right now he is happy to be with his family once again.

" Okay now.... Both of you take rest..... And don't get stress about anything now...." yezhun said and grandpa nod.

He and shen wei went together inside the room to take a rest.......

Now only yezhun.... Yunlan and Mr. Shen are standing outside in silent. But seeing yunlan and Mr. Shen faces no one say that they are calm.

" Well played zhao yunlan.....! You think I am fool......! You bring an imposter inside my house and I will believe you....... Grow up....!"Mr.shen said provoking yunlan.

Yunlan smirk...." It's a shame that you don't even recognise your own son...! Who loves you more than anything..... "yunlan said.

" My son is dead.....! You saw that...... And yezhun you also saw him die here...... "Mr. Shen said try to prove his wrong right.

" He is my gege uncle.....! And he is alive. Yunlan save him...... It's because of his life is in danger, that's why yunlan lie to is all..... "Yezhun said siding yunlan.

Mr. Shen grit his teeth and gazed at yezhun." I see...! Now everyone in this house got mouth to speak.... "Mr. Shen said in mad.

" When family turned against each other..... Then opening a mouth is not a big deal...... Uncle.... "Yezhun said trying to control his anger.

Yunlan smirk and looked at Mr. Shen shut mouth." Then do you know about this person who is standing right by your side......? You have any idea yezhun who is he......? He is the one who actually kidnapped your gege......! He is the one who try to kill your gege and now he is pretending that he is his saviour...... "Mr. Shen shout not thinking for a second that saying revealing the truth about yunlan will also unmask him........

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