Chapter 45: The Third Task

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After I grabbed the crystal ball, I walked around the corner where the Room of Requirement is meant to materialize. Newt and Tina weren't in there, Dumbledore gave them their own sleeping quarters, so I had the room to myself.

As I walked in, everything I needed had come into existence. A chalkboard, chalk, of course. a book to check off what I needed to check off and a stand for the crystal ball if I needed to consult it. I put the ball down and began to sketch the scene. A couple of stick figures will do.

"Alright, so Wormtail's supposed to use the killing curse," I said to myself. "There's no way to stop it, so I need to find a way for Cedric to live."

I quickly wrote down a list of what I could do in that situation and put it to the board, testing every scenario. "So If I try to teleport back to the maze with Cedric... no, that won't work. I'd risk killing us both, and if that happened, Hermione and Lana would be devastated."

"Could I try knocking him out?" I asked. "No, he'd get humiliated, might even put him on a darker path..."

"Who am I kidding, that's too unrealistic!" I said. "It's not like I'd expect Cedric to become a Death Eater!"

"What are you doing?" Someone asked from behind me asked.

'Please, don't be Hermione,' I thought to myself. 'Please, don't be Hermione.'

"I'm not Hermione, Y/N!" Lana said as she walked by next to me.

"Oh, thank Merlin!" I said. "Thankfully it's just you."

"Yeah, your twin sister that loves you," Lana said. "What's going on, your thoughts were so loud, I was trying to read"

"What time is it?" I asked.

"10:30 PM" Lana said. "Dumbledore went down with Harry about something.

"Oh my god," I said. "Hermione must be worried sick!"

"She is," Lana said as she held up the Marauders Map. "She couldn't find you anywhere and she's waiting in your room by the way, so I nicked this from Harry. Good thing you were here. What are you doing anyway?"

"Yeah, I should explain," I said as I directed her to the madness on the board. "Those nightmares we kept getting, I'm trying to find a way to prevent what happens, most importantly, prevent Cedric's death. I was thinking I teleport both of us out, but that risks either one of us being killed, and we don't want that."

"I also thought about knocking him out," I said again. "But I don't know what effects it could have on the timeline. Great, now I sound like one of those old movies with that flying car..."

"Y/N," Lana said. "It's really late, come on, maybe we can come up with something in the morning. We should get you back to Hermione."

"I guess you're right, sis." I said. "I would like to kiss Hermione good night."

We walked out and into the Gryffindor Common Room and then into my dorm, where Hermione, who was wearing my hoodie, had hugged me tight and looked me in my eyes. "Where were you?!" She said. "I was worried sick, you didn't come back after the champions thing!"

"I'm sorry, 'Mione," I said. "I was trying to figure out something about the task, I'm sorry I didn't let you know, Love."

"It's fine, Y/N," She said as she kissed me. "I can't stay mad at you for that long ever."

"He was in the Room of Requirement," Lana said to her. "I found him there. You both have a good night!"

"Night, sis!" I said as I turned back to Hermione.

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