family time

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it had been two days since the road trip to L.A. and Alyssa had kind of been a emotional wreck, I mean what else would you expect? she was never going to see her dad again plus revising all that stuff from her past opened up old wounds that she hidden and locked away for so long. 

She tried not to show it, she mostly fell apart after Emma had gone to sleep but even when she tried not to show it and act like she was fine, Emma could tell that Alyssa was not doing well.

"are you ok?' Emma asked softly Alyssa had her back turned to Emma, she was lying on her side with her legs tucked under her. "no" she sniffed 

Emma felt tears in her eyes as well he hated that Alyssa felt this way, she hated her dad for making her feel this way. "I hate him" 

"so do I" 

Emma turned to face her "I hate that he made you feel this way" Then Alyssa started crying again. "i'm sorry..." She said between sobs "i'm such a broken mess.." 

Emma wrapped her arms around her "shh. Hey it's ok, I've got you" Alyssa looked at her tears in her eyes "what would I do without you?" 

"I've been asking myself that question for years and I still don't have the answer" Alyssa manged a small smile, Emma wiped the tears off her checks. 

Isabel came into the room the two year old had just woken up from her nap and was still half asleep. 

"you want to come up?" Emma asked "uh huh" Isabel nodded Emma lifted up on the bed in the middle of them. Isabel looked at her Mommy's face "Mommy sad?" she asked 

"just a little bit" Alyssa said Isabel crawled into her lap "don't be sad mommy" she kissed her on the check. 

Alyssa smiled and hugged the two year old "love you" 

Alyssa smiled down at their daughter "I love you too sweetheart"  

"hey Izzy do you want to feel the baby kick?" Emma asked "yes!" Isabel said excitedly 

Isabel moved over to sit in the middle of them again. "ok just give me a second to find it" Emma's hand stopped on the side of her belly. Isabel looked at Emma's swollen belly "baby?" 

"yeah there's a baby in my tummy" Emma took Isabel's little hand and put it on the side of her belly  "feel that?" 

Isabel giggled "yes!" 

"are you excited to be a big sister?" Alyssa asked her Isabel nodded happily "uh huh!" 

Emma caught Alyssa's eye, she smiled "feeling better?" 

"much better now" Alyssa replied Emma smiled "i'm glad" she gave her a quick kiss on the lips Alyssa kissed her back. 

Isabel giggled seeing her moms kiss. "what? you think that's funny?" Emma smiled Isabel just smiled "C'mere you!" Isabel laughed and tried to get away as Alyssa grabbed her and covered her face with kisses, Isabel laughed. 

So yeah after a few heavy chapters I thought it would be a good idea to get into something happy for a change also I haven't done much with Emma, Alyssa and Isabel lately and i wanted to because I think there really cute as a family.  Also finals are coming up for me this week and i'm in my school's one act and i just got into the spring play so my schedule is pretty booked. BUT i'm not abounding this fic i'm just letting you all konw I will update when I can but it may not be as often because i'm really busy with school. Also for people who leave comments THANK YOU! they are so helpful and it helps me to konw what you guys like and don't like, also if there is anything you would like to see or anything i can improve upon pls let me konw. Also thank you for reading this!!                  

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