thunder strom

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"ok both of them are finally asleep" Alyssa said getting into bed "thank goodness" Emma said 

the biggest challenge of having a new baby and a two year old was the sleep schedule. Beth as most babies do wakes up at least like 5 times a night, Isabel wasn't used to that so it was keeping her up too. So by the morning she was cranky pretty much all day.

 tonight Isabel was sound asleep hopefully she would stay that way the whole night. The couple was asleep for about an hour then they woke up to a loud clap of thunder, seconds later Beth was wailing. 

"you have got to be kidding me" Emma sighed getting up "it's about time for her to eat anyway" 

Alyssa sat up "i'm going to check on Isabel"   Isabel hated thunder storms luckily they didn't get them often, but they scared her she didn't like how big and loud the thunder was. 

Emma went into the nursery and sat down in the rocking chair with Beth in her arms "it's ok sweetheart your just hungry" Beth latched on and the crying stopped. Emma smiled down at her "that's my girl" 

Beth had light brown skin and Emma's hazel eyes she also had a little bit of dark brown hair. 

Alyssa opened the door to Isabel's room the two year old was wide awake in her bed and she was crying. 

Alyssa sat down next to her and held her close "hey it's ok. The thunder can't hurt you" Alyssa rubbed her back. 

"mama sing?" Izzy asked 

Now normally before Isabel went to bed or during a thunder storm Emma would sing to her to claim her down and get her ready to go to sleep.. but lately she hadn't been able to do that. 

"sorry kiddo mama's busy with the baby right now" 

Isabel looked disappointed "we could read a story if you want" 


Alyssa smiled "ok what do you want to read tonight?" 

"goodnight moon" 

"I love that one." Alyssa grabbed it from the bookshelf then sat down with her daughter "ok ready?" 

Isabel nodded happily "uh huh!" 

Alyssa opened the book and started to read "in the great green room there was a telephone and a red balloon and a picture of a cow jumping over the moon" Alyssa mooed like a cow Isabel smiled and laughed, that was her favorite part. 

a few minutes later after the book was finished Isabel fell asleep Alyssa smiled at the two year old she was pretty much a tiny version of Emma except for her brown eyes and light brown skin and the two year old didn't wear glasses but she had Emma's blond hair and she looked a lot like her. 

Alyssa carefully tucked the two year old back into bed, she kissed her forehead "I love you" Alyssa whispered

once again it was just a cute idea I had, Also goodnight moon was one of my favorite childhood books as a kid so I had to sneak that in there:)                                         

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