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Alyssa was going over to Emma's Nan's house for a movie night. 

"hi Ms. Nolan" 

Nan smiled "Hi Alyssa, C'mon in. Emma! Alyssa's here" Nan called to her granddaughter. 

Shortly after Emma came down the stairs. "hi" Emma smiled 

Alyssa grinned "hi" 

So soon after Alyssa got there the girls were sitting on the sofa together. "so what movie do you want to watch?" Alyssa asked 

"the fault in our stars" 

Alyssa smiled "You've seen it a hundred times!" Emma laughed "it's really good!" 


"ok fine. but only because your so cute" 

Emma kissed her on the check. "thank you" 

the movie started 

"beilve we have a choice in this world on how to tell sad stories on the one hand you can sugar coat it the way they do in movies or romance novels- 

I like the version as much as the next girl but it's just not the truth. 


Emma and Alyssa were cuddling under a blanket together as the movie went on. 



Emma turned to Alyssa. "I kind of feel like that's us sometimes" 


"with the phone calls and everything. It's like where a part of that movie in a way." 

"if the fault in our stars was about two gay teens" Alyssa smiled 

Emma grinned "exactly" 

"ok so would I be Hazel or Gus?" Alyssa asked smiling 

Emma thought about it for a moment "mmm.. I would say Gus" 

"ok why?" 

"well your very smart and beautiful and well spoken. Also your always the one to make the frist move, in a good way I love that about you" 

"so you would be..

"Hazel Grace" 

Alyssa nodded "yeah I see that. It makes sense. Your quiet and nice you kind of just take everything in around you and you really see it. Also you have a way with words through your music" 

Emma blushed and smiled. "I love you" 

Alyssa kissed her and smiled "I love you too"             

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