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Alyssa was sleeping over at Emma's house tonight. The girls had been dating for a year now so it was the middle of January at the moment. 

Emma waited  for her girlfriend to come. Nan smiled at her "you look like your going to explode from joy" 

"are you sure your ok with this?" Emma asked 

"of course baby girl. I love Alyssa. I konw you've been dating for a year now so if you do anything..


Emma's grandma laughed "if you do anything use protection" 

"I can't believe you just said that to me" Emma said blushing hard "hey at least you don't have to worry about me getting pregnant" Emma teased her Grandma laughed

"what am I going to do with you?" 

"I don't konw kick me out?" Emma joked Nan ruffled her hair "I couldn't do that to you I love you too much" 

Emma smiled "I love you more" 

soon Alyssa was there in her bedroom. 

Emma and Alyssa never did anything like that yet but the thought of it had Emma on edge. 

"are you ok?" 

"yeah. My Nan thinks were going to have sex or something like that" Emma laughed awkwardly "crazy right?" 

"no yeah totally" 

"I mean if you want too.." 

"Yeah I do, someday with you but not tonight. I don't think i'm ready" 

"I don't think I am ether." Emma said 


"ok" Alyssa smiled  

"hey is it ok if I change here?" 

Emma nodded "sure" 

"could you unzip me?' 

Emma went over and unzipped her dress looking at her open back she noticed a birth mark on her hip before she could think Emma reached out and ran her finger over it. Alyssa squealed a little. "that's my tickle spot" 

"oh sorry.." 

"no it's fine I like it." 

Alyssa put her sleeping bag on the floor and Emma was in her bed. she turned the lights off the ceiling lit up with glow in the dark stars. "wow, cool" 

"you don't think it's too much?" 

"I love it" Alyssa said 

Soon Emma and Alyssa were fast asleep. Emma was awakened by Alyssa. "hi" 

"it's 2:00 am" 

Emma moved over Alyssa moved into her bed with her. "I got cold" 

Emma smiled doubtful "you got cold?" 

"ok I missed you" 

Emma giggled. "you konw this is kind of a small bed" 

Alyssa wrapped her arms around Emma and put her head on Emma's chest. 

Emma let out a contented sigh and stoked her girlfriends hair warping her arms around her bringing her close. 

Nothing happened really they just fell asleep holding each other. But they liked that, it was nice.          


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