pillow talk

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I have a half an hour before my next class  also you guys have been so patent with you you all deserve a little something:)   I won't be writing as much as you all konw because my life is really busy at the moment, but just hang in here with me i promise there will be more stuff coming after my schedule clears up. 

Also this chapter is NOT A SEX CHAPTER get your head out of the gutter people, i'm too pure for that kind of thing. 

ok so this is the day that Emma could come home from the hospital with Beth. 

Emma's eyes fluttered open. Alyssa was in the doorway. "hey you" she whispered Alyssa came into the room. "hi" Emma mumbled she was barely awake she picked up her glasses and put them on. 

the world came into focus. 

Alyssa handed Emma a water bottle. "you konw what time it is?" 

Emma nodded "time to take the pain medication" 

Alyssa handed Emma two small yellow pills.  Emma had the pills because the pain meds at the hospital wore off and she had to take them because of the fact you konw her getting her stomach cut open and all. 

Emma grimaced "they taste awful" 

"i konw baby, but you have to take them" 

"where are the girls?" 

"there both sleeping . My mom is watching the news with your grandma in the living room" 

because Emma had to recover from her C-section Alyssa's mom and Emma's grandma were staying with them for a week to help them both get settled. 

Emma took the pill swallowing then with the water. "I think i should emergency sugary more often" Emma joked 

"how are you feeling?' 

"it hurts like hell" 

Alyssa sat down on the bed. "is there anything I can do for you?" 

"I need cuddles" 

Alyssa moved closer to Emma, Emma's head was resting on Alyssa's cheat. They had there arms wrapped around each other. 

"you konw when they were prepping you for surgery that was the most scared I've ever been" Alyssa whispered "you could have died" 

Emma squeezed her hand "but I didn't" she looked into her warm brown eyes. "I don't know what I would do without you" her eyes filled 

Emma put her hands on Alyssa's face. "hey. Lyssa, it's ok. I'm fine Beth is fine everything is fine" Emma whispered. 

Alyssa nodded "i'm just really glad your ok" 

Emma held her close. "I am too" Emma took a breath. "the pain is better" 

Alyssa smiled and stroked her hair "good"                     

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