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Emma was now fully awake and alert after hearing that. "your water broke? How long ago?" 

"I don't konw.. a few  minutes? maybe a few hours? I was just so tired I-I guess I didn't feel it" Alyssa said her voice shaking 

Suddenly a contraction hit her. Hard.  Alyssa groaned in pain, her hands on her belly. "I think.. I think i'm ready to push" 

Emma quickly jumped up "I'm going to get the doctor ok?" 

Alyssa nodded trying to breathe. "ok just please hurry.. she really wants out" 

Emma gave her hand a quick squeeze. "just hang in there" 

a few minutes later Emma came back with the doctor. The doctor confirmed that Alyssa was fully dilated and ready to push. 

Alyssa was quickly prepped and ready to give birth. 

"are you sure you don't want an epidural?" Emma asked "i'm good." Alyssa said breathing though the pain. 

"I'm really scared" 

Emma took her hand. "I konw baby I'm going to be right here with you the whole time" 

Alyssa smiled gratefully at her partner. "ok" 

"ok on the next contraction get ready to push" the doctor said. 


"oh god what is happening?!" Alyssa yelled 

"is she ok?' Emma asked 

the doctor nodded "she's fine the baby's just crowning. Just one more big push" 

"you can do this babe your so close to holding her" Emma said 

Alyssa screamed and gripped Emma's hand. Seconds later the crying of a newborn filled the room. 

Alyssa fell back on the bed in exhaustion and relief. "you did it babe" Emma smiled and kissed her on the forehead. 

a few seconds later the baby was put on Alyssa's chest. "Hi sweetheart, I love you so much" 

"Rosie she's beautiful. she looks just like you" Emma said looking down at their newborn daughter.  The baby had Alyssa's light brown skin and brown eyes. Her eyes were a lighter brown then Alyssa's more of a golden brown. 

"what do you want to name her?" 

"well i was thinking.. how do you feel about the name Millie?" 

Emma smiled "that's adorable I love it. For her middle name I was thinking Grace? Not because it's my middle name because it's also-

"your Nan's middle name" Alyssa finished "Millie Grace I love it. I think it suits her"  

so there we go now baby Millie's here! I hope you guys like her name. Also BIG thank you for the 3 K! AHHHHH!!! that's so crazy I can't even believe it! questions, comments or suggestions please let me konw I love getting feedback.                     

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