Little miss perfect and the wallflower

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So i had this idea now stay with me on this- what if Emma and Alyssa had met as kids but just didn't remember it? now when I say kids I really mean 12 year olds but still. to me it makes sense because i'm in high school myself and I barely remember middle school. but let me konw what you guys think.  

TW: homophobic slurs

Emma Nolan hated school dances. 

she would rather be home playing her guitar or watching Steven Universe in her pajamas then where she was now. 

in a stupid dress in the stupid gym with all these stupid kids. 

she was always alone. Under the bleachers in fact, Edgewater Indiana  being as small as it was there was only one place big enough to hold all the middles school kids for there dances.

The high school. 

Now this was the BIG dance of all the dances the spring fling. Where the two different middle schools came together one night out of the year to dance. 

Emma begged her parents to let her stay home but her parents said they wanted her to put herself out there and go have fun. So now she was stuck here until the end of the dance.  

now way across the dance floor Alyssa Greene was in a group of about five other girls, her friends. The conversation had drifted to talking about boys and who you think is cute or not. 

Alyssa tuned it all out, she never really liked boys and she wasn't sure why. 

So finding the conversation meaningless to her Alyssa went to go get herself some punch. 

well pouring herself a glass Alyssa noticed a short small blond girl standing behind the bleachers alone, she really looked uncomfortable. 

So without thinking Alyssa walked behind the bleachers to talk to her. "hi" 

the blond turned around, surprised. "hi" she said softly 

"I don't think I've seen you before" Alyssa said 

"well.. I don't think we go to the same school" Emma was blushing hard now this girl.. was so. BEAUTIFUL. 

thankfully the lighting was a bit dim so Emma hoped she couldn't notice. 

"I love your dress" 

Emma was wearing a mint green dress with short puffed up sleeves. "thanks but I hate it. if I could I would wear one of those old tuxes and my high tops. I did't even want to come here this night is the worst night of my life" 

little did Emma konw that would not be the last time she said those words. 

"oh sorry, I just meant you look really pretty" Alyssa flushed her stomach flip flopped. girls call other girls pretty all the time why was she feeling this way? she kind of liked it. 

Emma looked down. "oh. wow. um.. t-thank you no one ever said that to me before. You look awesome." 

Alyssa was wearing a pale lavender dress and white high heels. "thanks. But these shoes are killing me" 

Alyssa sat down to take them off, now she was only in her socks. Alyssa sipped on the gym floor falling into Emma. 

They both looked at each other and laughed. "you konw I forgot to introduce myself. I'm- 

Alyssa was interrupted. "hey little miss perfect!" the girls turned there heads to see who it was, 

It was one of Alyssa's friends. she grabbed her by the arm and yanked her away. "hey! let go of me!" 

"you really shouldn't be talking to that girl Lyssa" 

"why not? she's nice" 

her friend rolled her eyes "she's a loser and a wallflower. Also you konw what I heard?" 

Alyssa didn't get the chance to answer. "her parents sent her away this summer to a camp" 


"one of those new camps! the ones for really messed up kids. So that girl you were talking to over there is a FAG." 

Emma tensed. No one had ever called her that before. thankfully being in middle school no one but Emma really knew what that word meant. Emma had never been called that before. a tear slipped down her check. 

Alyssa was in shock and also super confused. she looked back to see if she was still there but the girl was gone. 

Emma when it comes to school dances is pretty much me, i hate them but my parents make me go. Also regrading Emma's parents the way I see it is they don't really konw she's gay until high school  but you konw they kind of suspect it, so they sent her off one summer to try to let the problem take care of itself. Camps like that are awful and i HATE THEM with a burning passion.  

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