The Prom

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We are now on our current timeline.  Beth is now five months old. "are you sure that they can handle two kids?" 

Alyssa rolled her eyes at her partner. "once again i'm sure they can handle it" 

"your mom and my grandma can handle a toddler and a five month old?" Emma asked doubtful 

  "Yeah I think they can. they raised us i think we turned out pretty well" Alyssa smiled 

"well what if there's an fire or something?" 

Alyssa turned to face her partner "Em, there going to be fine ok? I promise it's just one night. Just one little short night in new York"   

"yeah that's what we thought we went to new York two years ago and then we came back here with a baby"  

Alyssa smiled "nothing bad is going to happen Em" 


Emma smiled "ok" 

A few hours later they were in new York. "Look at that!" Emma called out. the longacre theater was COVERED in prom stuff posters mostly but it looked so cool. 

"wow. They really went big" Alyssa said impressed Emma look a picture of everything. "hey is that the girls who play us?" Emma was looking at a poster with the two young women on it. 

"yeah I think so. Crazy huh?" 

"talk about duja vu. They really did a good job making them look like us" 

"ready?" Alyssa took her hand "nope. Let's go" Emma smiled talking her hand. 

Emma and Alyssa were spellbound at everything the huge theater, the glittery lobby the little place that sold all the prom stuff from T-shirts to pins to overpriced vodka. 

Emma held up a pink shirt it had blue lettering it said 'kick ball change the world' "i think we should buy these" 

"sure why not?" Alyssa grabbed a poster of all there Broadway friends on it. 

"there's a little photo place over there, want to get a picture?" Alyssa asked "ok" 

The guys taking the picture was standing in the back with the camera. "ok move into the middle for me.. perfect! Ok say prom!" 

"prom!" they said together the second before the camera took the picture Alyssa kissed Emma on the check, Emma laughed. 

they looked at the picture afterwords. "it's perfect" Emma smiled 

Soon they moved to take there seats. Emma and Alyssa looked around the theater. There was a few groups of teenagers a few feet away from them, class trip they guessed. 

"this is amazing" Alyssa said "kids all over the world are going to see this" 

a tear slipped down Emma's check. "what's wrong babe?" 

"i'm just really happy. I wish we had something like this when we were kids" 

Alyssa kissed her on the lips. "i'm glad your happy" Emma cuddled up next to her.

"you two are just adorable" 

the girls turned around an older couple was right behind them. 

Emma and Alyssa both smiled "thank you" 

   Emma and Alyssa turned back to each other. "no one's ever said that before" Emma smiled "I liked it" 

"me too" 

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