can I hold your hand?

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Our first form
of communication.

Safety, security, comfort,

all in the gentle caress
of a finger.

Or the brush of lips
on a soft cheek.

It connects us
when we're happy,

bolsters us in times of fear,

excites us
in times of passion

and love.

We need that touch
from the one we love

almost as much
as we need air to breathe.

But I never understood
the importance of touch.

Until I couldn't have it.

Emma Nolan had been dating Alyssa for about a week. The fact was they where both at different schools  and Mrs. Greene was usually hovering over her daughter at all times

so that really cut the time the two of them spent together. 

It was hard on both of them for different reasons, For Emma it was being in love with someone so passionately that it was hard not to shout it from the rooftops for Alyssa it was being in love without her mother catching on. 

Now remember at this time even Emma wasn't out yet that would come a year later. 

So the girls really had only one option. 

sneak around and say hidden. 

Because if ANYONE in Indiana found out about them it would be a full out war. 

Emma and Alyssa were at the park, at night of course. 

"I can not believe that the ice cream shop was open this late" Alyssa said taking a bite of her cookies and cream. 

Emma smiled "it's great right?" 

the girls said nothing for a while, Emma took a bite of her ice cream (Raspberry chocolate chip) 

Alyssa looked at Emma "you got a little- just on your chin there" 

"can you get it?" 


Alyssa gently used her finger tip to brush a chocolate chip of of Emma's chin. 

Alyssa paused and looked up at Emma. The girls both flushed red. 

Alyssa moved back to where she was sitting, not embarrassed really just not really sure what to do. 

Dating was new to both of them. 

the Emma did that kind of middle school thing where you put your hand out in the space between you and the other person in the vain attempt to see if she would hold it. 

Alyssa slowly and carefully lightly touched her hand to Emma's testing to see if it was ok. 

Emma didn't move her hand so Alyssa threaded her fingers to hold Emma's hand. 

Emma did the same. 

They both looked down there hands where perfectly intertwined. 

The two looked at each other and smiled. 

this was just a cute idea I had. Also the intro to this chapter was from five feet apart, the book was better but i love the movie too:) if Y'all want to see anything else let me konw I'm getting very close, the end is in sight people so if you have anything you want to say, say it now.           

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