Operation: sleep

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it had been two days since they had brought Millie home, two days with a four year old a toddler and a newborn was exhausting in itself but this was even worse because for some reason.. 

Millie wouldn't sleep. And if Millie didn't sleep no one did.  

"she's finally asleep" Alyssa said falling back unto their bed. "that's good" Emma mumbled "I should probably go check on the girls" 

Isabel and Beth where on the sofa. "oh no! now your in the lava" Isabel said to Emma 

Emma looked at her oldest daughter amused "what?" 

"grounds lava!" Beth said 

side note:  if you don't konw what grounds lava is it's a game where the floor is lava so you have to make your way to wherever you want to go without being on the floor.  

Emma looked at Beth the toddler could barely keep her eyes open. "ok i think it's time for your nap Beth" 

"no. not sleepy" Beth said yawning 

Emma laughed softly. "yes you are." Emma picked her up the toddler didn't argue she was too exhausted. 

After Emma tucked Beth into bed the toddler instantly fell asleep. Emma smiled and carefully shut the door. 

Emma sat down next to Isabel on the sofa. "honey i think you should take a nap" 

"I don't want too" 

"I konw, I konw you don't take naps anymore kiddo but your exhausted" 

"I don't want to take a nap!" 

"I just think it would be good for you" 


silence. please don't wake up, for the love of all things good please don't- 

Emma's thoughts were interrupted by Millie's wailing 

Emma caught Alyssa's gaze as she was headed into the nursery. 'sorry' she mouthed Alyssa shrugged as if to say she probably would have woken up anyway   

Emma sighed and turned to face the four year old. Isabel looked down "sorry mama" she whispered 

"it's not your fault kiddo we're all exhausted. Let's get you into bed ok?" 

this time Isabel didn't argue as Emma carried the four year old off to bed. 

Emma went into the nursery her partner was pacing with Millie on her shoulder she was gently rubbing her back, the baby wailed on. 

"so that was something" 

Alyssa sighed "yeah it was" 

"babe you look exhausted, I can take her" 

"well so do you" 

"when you were having on and off contractions you barely slept. You'd had like four days without sleep" Emma pointed out. 

"I don't want to put you out- 

"think of it as me paying you back for when I had that C-section" 

Alyssa smiled "thank you" she carefully handed the baby to Emma. 

so Alyssa headed to bed to get some much needed sleep as Emma sat down in the rocking chair with the newborn. 


Emma slowly woke up as if from a dream it took her a moment to remember where she was. Then everything from the day before came flooding back to her. 

the C-section. 

"hey beautiful" Alyssa was in the doorway with Beth in her arms. "I was just getting her off to sleep" 

"I need human contact" 

Alyssa smiled and snuggled up next to her partner on their bed. "I'm so sorry i can't help with anything" Emma said "I feel so useless" 

Due to Emma's C-section the doctors told her that it was best if she just took it easy for the next week or so, they didn't want Emma to strain herself. So Emma really couldn't do anything but sit in bed and sleep. 

thinking about it that was probably a good thing, moving even a little really hurt. 

"Emma it's fine, really I don't mind it. I'm just glad your ok" 

"Can I hold her?" 

Alyssa smiled "you don't have to ask" 

Alyssa gently helped Emma sit up, Emma winced. "I'm ok it just hurts" 

Beth was carefully put in her arms. Emma smiled "hi sweet girl" she turned to Alyssa "i'm so glad she's healthy" 

"me too" 

Emma was silent for a moment. "you konw i kind of feel like this whole thing was my fault" she whispered "I carried her for nine months i was suppose to bring her safely into the world and i feel like I messed that up" 

Alyssa's heart broke hearing Emma say that. "Em, no. no none of this was your fault. Sometimes these things happen, birth is tricky we both konw that it never really happens the way you think it will." 

Alyssa paused for a moment thinking. 'You konw I was born out of the back of a car." 

Emma looked at Alyssa amused "really? you?" 

Alyssa smiled "yeah, my parents they waited too long mom's contractions were only two mins apart when they tried to drive to the hospital there was this huge down pour. It had gotten so bad that the traffic was at a standstill. 

So my dad- my mom told me this, had to pull of the road into a parking lot. like I said they waited too long so mom was freaking out because I was crowning and my dad was freaking out because he had no idea what he was doing." 

Alyssa laughed at this "my mom said that I came out so fast my dad barely made it in time to catch me" 

"wow that is one crazy birth story. I'm actually kind of lucky that i only had the C-section"  

Alyssa looked into Emma's hazel eyes "none of this is your fault, ok?" 

Emma leaned into Alyssa shoulder. "ok" 

So I hope you guys liked this chapter, I konw it got really weird at the end there I thought it was a fun idea. let me konw what you guys think! 



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