diaper changing

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Alyssa woke up out of a deep sleep to the sound of her daughter crying she checked the alarm clock it read three a.m. 

Alyssa got out of bed. Now that Isabel was eating Emma had to feed her every two hours so she didn't want Emma to get up when she didn't have to. 

Alyssa made her way into the nursery and gently picked up her daughter. "hey baby girl. Someone needs to be changed huh?" 

   Alyssa walked over to the changing table and carefully put her down "it's ok Isabel" Alyssa unwrapped her from her blanket and  carefully lifted up Isabel's legs to slide the diaper out from under her. 

Alyssa got the wipes and baby powder carefully cleaning her up, Isabel made her upset face starting to cry again. "I konw it's uncomfortable I konw. It's almost done" 

Alyssa lifted up her legs again and put the new diaper on Isabel then wrapped her up in her blanket. "there we go"  Alyssa went to the bathroom to wash her hands then came back to check on Isabel. 

Alyssa picked up her daughter and sat down in the rocking chair with her. Isabel grabbed Alyssa's finger with her tiny hand looking up at her with her big brown eyes. Alyssa smiled diaper duty wasn't her favorite but she loved spending time with her girl.                    

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