Gaming Night

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Sakikos pov

I lay in my bedroom with my boyfriend haruto. The two of us just bought the game pokemon mystery dungeon and planned to have a pokemon marathon

"okay time to choose our character based on our personalitys" haruto muttered.


We clicked on and answered a bunch of questions. I ended up with charazard while haruto got a cubone.

"hey babe you ended up with a pokemon that wears the skull of his dead mother on his head. What does that say about you?" I said jokingly.

"that I'm sentimental?" he said. I burst out laughing and ended up leaning against him.

We played a through a bunch of dungeon together and then my dad  came in with cookies and milk and said he hoped we're having fun which is much better then my other dad who told haruto that he'd kill him if he ever broke my heart. Haturo took this surprising well!

After some gaming and cookies we decided to part ways. He gave me a tender kiss on the cheek as he left. I held my cheek as I blushed. God I love that dork!

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