Dispair Diesese Part 2

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Fuyuhikos pov

"Young master"

"Hmm? What are you doing here peko?" I asked.

"my apologies I know we're not supposed to be speaking" she bowed apologetically.

"no it's fine just tell me what's wrong" I said reassuringly.

She sighed and looked over at kazuichi.

"I've noticed how fond you've become of kazuiki" she muttered

"yeah well he's a good kid" I shrugged.

"do you love him?" I blushed at her words. She smiled sadly.

"I thought so. To be honest I also have feelings for you but I would prefer for you to be happy rather than myself."

I was too shocked to speak. Peko has feelings for me!?

"I'll be going now" she was about to leave when I grabbed her hand.

"what if I said I had feelings for both of you. How would that make you feel?" I asked nervously.

She looked surprised then let out some happy tears. "that would make me very happy young master!"

"call me fuyuhiko"

"ok fuyuhiko" I wiped her tears away and was about to lean in for a kiss when mikan came bursting through the door.

"I'm sorry to interrupt but ibuki has gone missing!"

"she has? Shit!" I growled.

"don't worry mikan we'll find her" peko said reassuringly.

Oh we found her alright. Hanging on a fucking noose! Along with hiyokos body taped to a piller. Monokuma showed up afterwards with the Monokuma file and the news that the victims of the despair Diesese had been cured and that included kazuichi. So while the others were investigating me and peko dragged kazuichi away.

"what's going on guys" kazuichi asked sounding a little afraid.

I took a deep breath "me and peko would like to take you on a date once the killing games over. Would you be ok with that?"

He looked surprised but also pleased "I would really like that! I've always looked up to the two of you" damnit why's he gotta be so fucking cute!

"Well come on boys we need to help the others with the investigation" peko said with a gentle smile. I could tell she was also happy with the way things had turned out.

"alright let's get this shit over with"

Time skip

What happened next was pure insanity! Not only have we lost three of our classmates but one of them turned into a fucking robot! I feel like I'm losing my mind on this island! I was about to retire to my cottage when kazuichi grabbed my arm.

"hey fuyu I don't think I can deal with what just happened. Can I stay in your cottage tonight?" he asked hopefully.

I looked over at peko "would you like to stay in my cottage as well?"

"that would be nice" she smiled gently.

With that the three of us made our way to my cottage. A lot of insane shit might have happened but I gained a boyfriend and a girlfriend out of this so maybe there still is hope.

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