A Family Picnic

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Fuyuhikos pov

I didn't have any work with  today so I figured I'd take kazuichi, peko and the kids out for a picnic.

I found a nice picnic table out in the countryside so I packed a picnic and drove out to the County.

"I'm so excited for our first a quiet day with just you, peko and the kids." kazuichi giggled. The boy had rarely got to spend time with his son and daughter so he was quite excited.

"I'm excited too kazu." I grinned "I've picked a nice place out in the County your going to love it!"

"I'd love anywhere you took me fuyu" kazuichi said sweetly. God he is so pure!

We arrived at the picnic table and unpacked everything. I began eating while kazuichi and peko put napkins on the natsumi and neko. They make such a good team.

Once we were done we packed everything away and hopped back in the car. Kazuichi chatted to the kids the whole way home and peko had a peaceful smile on her face. I guess that means this family day was a success.

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