Theme Park

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(This takes place after the Dispair disease. Kazuiki, fuyuhiko and peko are already a couple)

Kazuichis pov

I woke up with my arms around Fuyuhikos waist and peko snuggled next to him. We stayed there for a while until fuyuhiko woke up. He kissed both of us and sat up.

"come on guys let's get some grub"

We walked into the dining hall together. Everyone seemed surprised that Fuyu was there but before anyone could ask Fuyu flipped them off and dragged us over to an empty table. I wish fuyuhiko could be nicer and I could tell peko felt the same way but nether of us said anything.

After a while monomi showed up saying that she beat another monobeast and a new island had opened up yada yada but I refused to go until Monokuma mentioned ship parts. That means we have to go but I really hope nothing bad happens.

The next island was some kind of theme park. Honestly I would've enjoyed this if I hadn't already witnessed several of my friends die in front of me.

Fuyuhiko was also uneasy as he pulled and peko and me close and warned us to stay close to him.

Dispite this I still ended up getting lost. I was kinda nervous since I didn't know this island very well so when I felt a tap on my shoulder I jumped. I turned around to see Sonia.

"oh hi miss Sonia" I greeted her.

"hello kazuichi may I ask you something?"

"Umm sure" I muttered nervously.

"I've noticed that you've been spending less time stalking me and more time with fuyuhiko and peko why is that?"

"Well we actually started dating" I explained.

"your dating both of them?" she looked confused.

"I'm sorry is that weird?" I said suddenly feeling self conscious but she simply smiled and pulled me into a hug.

"nonsense! Love is a beautiful thing and I'm very happy you found it!"

"thanks miss Sonia" I said gratefully

"I have fallen in love too"

"oh with who? Is it gundam?" I said feeling excited.

Sonia laughed "no gundams simply a close friend. My real love is akane"

"oh my gosh that makes so much sense! Are you going to tell her?"

"I hope to tell her before we leave the island" she muttered with a sad smile.

"ok good luck!"

"there you are! You had me scared shitless!" I turned around to see fuyuhiko and peko.

"hey guys I got pretty worried when I got lost but Sonia kept me company" I smiled at her.

Sonia smiled brightly at them. "Congratulations on the relationship you three"

"yeah well our relationship is none of your business so keep your mouth shut about it" Fuyu said rudely.

Sonia grabbed him by the shoulder "Fuyuhiko kazuichi means a lot to me so you treat him right or you'll suffer."

She walked away without a word.

"crazy bitch!" Fuyu muttered

"she's just a bit protective" I said reassuringly.

"Well whatever Monokuma said we have to bourd this crazy ass roller-coaster to get a prize" I froze.

"is something wrong kazuichi?" peko asked worriedly

"I'm scared of roller-coasters" I whispered. Fuyus eyes softened.

"don't worry kid. I'll Protect you" I smiled at his words.

"ok if you sit with me I think I'll be fine"

"good boy now come on."

Once we were done with that roller-coaster ride Monokuma gave us a folder with info on another killing game then he told us to take the train into the funhouse to get the rest of the prizes. We sat in there until sleeping gas blew into the train knocking us out.

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