First Birthday

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Kazuichis pov

"happy birthday princess" I said kissing my baby girl on the cheek.

I looked over at kokichi who was smiling at us "your be staying for natsumis birthday kokichi consider it a order and tell maki the same"

"ok sir" he sighed but I could tell he was happy.

I left kokichi to take care of natsumi while I helped fuyuhiko and peko with the decorations. Once we were finished we called everyone in.

Natsumi cooed happily at the decorations "do you like them baby?" I said kissing her on the nose.

"aba!" she cooed.

We started the party and everyone looked like they were having fun even maki!

We took the cake out and sung happy birthday. Instead of blowing out the candle though natsumi actually flipped the cake over! I have no idea how a one year old has the strength to do that but she managed it. Me and kokichi couldn't stop laughing about it while fuyuhiko and peko shot us dirty looks. Maki actually looked like she was trying to hold back laughter!

Once the party was over I handed natsumi to kokichi to put to bed and I snuggled down with my partners to sleep.

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