Dispair Disease Part One

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In this peko didn't kill mahiru. Mahiru actually ended up killing hiyoko. Kazuichi has the Dispair disease.

Fuyuhikos pov

I woke up this morning feeling like shit. I never liked that mahiru girl especially after finding out that she helped my sisters killer get away with murder but I never thought that she would be capable of killing someone. Especially her own friend!

This whole killing game is taking a toll on me. Maybe I should go to the dining hall this time. It's gotta be better than being stuck with my thoughts.

I walked into the dining hall and what was greating me was pure madness.

"hajimes a Lion ibuki he's going to eat you" nagito yelled.

"hajime please don't eat me I'm not very tasty" ibuki said completely buying his crazy story.

"waa I'm scared" akane cryed.

"I'm never going to be brave like fuyuhiko and peko. I'll never amount to anything." kazuichi muttered. Why the hells that pink haired basturd talking about me!

"what the fucks going on?" I asked hajime.

"I have no idea!" hajime said looking surprise that I'm here.

"I know what's going on" Monokuma popped out of nowhere "they have the Dispair disease"

"the what disease?" Sonia asked.

"the Dispair disease! And the symptoms are different depending on the person." he looked over at the four infected "let's see nagito has the lying disease, akane has the cowered disease, ibuki has the gullible disease and kazuichi has the low self esstein disease."

"we must get then to the hospital" mikan yelled. we all helped her take them to the hospital.

*At the hospital*

"alright everyone I need you come with me so I can change you" mikan explained to them. Everyone complyed expect for kazuichi.

"kazuichi please come with me" mikan begged. Kazuichi shock his head

"hey the fucks your problem" I yelled "she's trying to help you so do what your fucking told!"

He immediately burst into tears. I felt pretty guilty making a sick boy cry. I walked up to him and hugged him.

"hey I sorry ok? Now please tell me why you don't want to get changed."

He blushed a little."I don't want a girl to change me"

I sighed "would you feel more comfortable if I changed you?"

He nodded shyly.

"alright come on!"

I got him changed into his hospital gown and lay him down into bed. He stared at me.

"something on your mind?" I asked.

"Well I was thinking that your really strong and kind but someone as amazing as you wouldn't care about someone like me" he teared up a little

"I do care kid" I said ruffling his hair. He gave me a shy smile which was pretty adorable. After a while he fell asleep. Why the hell did he have to be so cute when he slept!?

Peko then walked into the room. I was surprised. We hadn't properly talked since we arrived on this island. I wonder what she wants?

To be continued

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