Strawberry House

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Fuyuhikos pov

We woke up in red room full of strawberries. The rooms decor is enough to make me gag. I heard a soft sob. I turned around to see kazuichi sobbing softly into pekos shirt while peko gently petted his hair.

Everyone else was here too. The stupid bear showed up and explained how he gased us and trapped us in this place and won't let us out until we kill someone. I must say this motive is pretty extreme. Well I don't give a shit about anyone except kazu and peko so if someone were to die for the sake of getting us out of here it wouldn't be any skin off my nose.

Kazuichi wasn't taking the news well. The poor boy was shaking violently. Sonia and gundam were kind enough to try and calm him down along with peko but it didn't much good. I sighed.

"kazuiki you don't have to be afraid. me and peko will protect you"

"how can you protect me from starving to death?" he yelled.

"no one's going to starve to death! We're going to find a way out of here. Now come on on your feet!"

We looked around and found nothing! Only a grape house and a final dead room in each house. Eventually it got too late and we had to sleep here. We decided that the boys should stay in the strawberry House while the girls stay in the grape house. Me and kazuichi slept together in the normal room while peko slept in grape house with the other girls and hajime. I swear that basturd better not try anything with my girl!

*A few days later*

God that Monokuma tai-chi is wearing me out! I felt restless though so I left kazuichi in my room and sat in the hallway. I noticed nekumaru leave but didn't pay too much attention to it. God I wish I did! A little while after the strawberry clock started ringing. I tried to stop it but I couldn't and kazuichi and gundam came out.

"that ringings as loud as the screams of the damned" gundam complained.

"mmm Fuyu what's going on?" kazuichi asked rubbing his eyes sleepily. I felt bad. The poor kids exhausted enough without this shit!

"sorry baby this stupid thing won't stop-"

I was cut off by a bang. Kazuichi clung to me whimpering sightly. Then we heard the body discovery announcement. Kazuichi eyes widened. I patted his head reassuringly.

"don't worry kid. We'll make it through this just like we always do" he nodded with a nervous smile.

Nagito came running down with a crazed smile "so another person has been killed" he said excitedly.

"yes" I growled. God I hate that basturd.

"the elevators broken so I'm going to fix it" kazuichi said.

"ok I'll contact the others on the phone" I said grabbing the strawberry phone.

Once the elevator was up and running we got in and was greeted by a teary eyed peko.

"thank goodness your both safe" she said pulling us into a hug. I hugged her back, feeling reassured that my two loved ones were safe. Now I have to keep them safe by finishing this class trail!

*Time skip to after class trail*

Me and peko keep kazuichi close that night. He didn't do good after the trail. Him and gundam had become surprisingly close since the theme park so his execution hurt him alot. He whimpered slightly into my chest. Peko rubbed his back soothingly and I whispered reassuring words into his ear.

"your going to be ok baby. I promise everything will be okay"

He eventually settled down and fell asleep. Me and peko made a silent promise to protect our pink haired boyfriend from any dangers on this island.

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