Polly Party

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Kazuichis pov

I was feeling excited today cause we just got invited to a polly party! A kid named kokichi was planning it to celebrate his friends kaito, maki and shuichi coming out as a couple. Basically everyone in the party will be in a three way relationship so I'll be able to relate to the others and even make friends!

"now kazuichi I want you to be careful ok? You don't know these people so you're to stick with me the whole time ok?" fuyuhiko said firmly.

I stopped listening to him once I saw the party and the people. There was kokichi standing with his partners miu who's an inventor and kiibo who's a fricking robot! Ohhh I want to talk to them all right now!

"hi thanks for inviting us to the party. My name is kazuichi I hope we can be good Fri-ow" I was cut off by Fuyu hitting me over the head.

"what was that for fuyu?" I whined. He's so mean!

"dumbass didn't I tell you not to trust strangers so easily!" fuyuhiko scolded.

"but there from the same school as me. I can trust them." I argued.

"that doesn't mean you can trust them! What if these guys are just trying to get you drunk so they can take advantage of you!"

"waaaaaa" I screamed and clung to peko. Peko shook her head at fuyuhiko.

"young master I know you are simply protective of kazuichi but you shouldn't scare him like that"

"yeah what the hell do you think you're doing to that kid?"

I turned around to see mahiru glaring at fuyuhiko with hiyoko and mikan close behind.

"stay the fuck out of this bitch!" fuyuhiko yelled.

"you're supposed to love kazuichi yet you get a kick out of scaring him! But what could I expect from a yakusa!" she rolled her eyes.

"do not misunderstand" peko cut in "young master is untrusting of strangers and wishes to keep kazuichi safe. Do not speak of things you don't understand!"

"don't talk to mahiru like that bitch!" hiyoko said.

"hey hey that's enough!" kiibo said stepping in." this is a party. We should be having fun not fighting!"

"he's right. It's rude to fight when others put so much effort into this party!"

I turned around to see chiaki with her boyfriends hajime and nagito.

"your right I'm sorry" mahiru said

"me too" fuyuhiko said.

Nagito walked up to me and clasped Kokichis hands in his "thank you for inviting someone as worthless as me to your party!"

"Umm you're welcome" kokichi said looking a little disturbed by nagito.

Hajime came up and placed a hand on his boyfriends back "come on nagito let's stop bothering the nice boy"

"ok" he smiled at hajime happily before running off with him.

Just then the rest of the guests came flooding in. I wanted to talk to as many people as possible but Fuyuhiko grabbed my hand and pulled me close.

"please kazuichi stay close to me" his eyes were pleading. I sighed and followed him.

He sat me down and gave me some party food. He gently kissed my head.

"thanks for listening to me babe. You know I'm only like this cause I love you right"

"I know" I sighed.

"good boy"

The three of us spent the rest of the party cuddling each other in the corner.

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