Fulfilling A Promise

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Smut warning

Fuyuhikos pov

"can we do it now Fuyu!"

I sighed. Five years ago I promise my boy that I'd show him how sex works  when he's older and ever since the three of us got married he's been begging me over and over it's driving me mad!

"goddammit kazuichi how many times are you going to ask the same fucking question? For the last time no!"

Kazu looked disappointed. Peko patted my shoulder "you did promise him. How much longer do you plan on dragging this out?"

I rolled my eyes "fine we'll do it tonight"

"yay!" kazuichi hugged us both and ran into the kitchen. I glared at peko.

"why do you always have to butt in?" I growled.

"cause I'm your wife and it's my job to keep the peace" she kissed me on the cheek and walked away. I sighed. Guess there's no getting out of this now.

*Time skip to tonight*

I walked into the bedroom to find peko in a lacey dress and kazuiki in a oversized t-shirt. Really? Neither of them wanting to completely strip for me? That's just insulting!

"alright who wants to go first" I asked.

"Umm can peko go first I don't really know what to do" kazuiki mumbled. He bugged me about this for weeks and now he wants to watch? Classic kazuichi!

"ok peko you ready?" I asked

"yes I am" peko replied blushing a bit.

I pulled her on to my knee and trusted gently into her since I didn't want to hurt her. She took it quite well and even seemed to enjoy herself till the very end when I cummed in her. I lay her down as she was exhausted and gave her a tender kiss on the forehead.

I turned to kazuichi and pinned him to the bed. He gave a yelp of surprise.

"I hope you didn't think I forgot about you" I whispered in his ear and I sucked on his neck earning small moans from the boy. "after all I promised I'd show you what it's like and I'm going to make sure this is a night you'll never forget!"

I spread his legs and trusted into him. He didn't take it as well as peko and I needed to reassure him that everything would be alright. He was fine once he slipped into pleasure though and once I was finished with him he also collapsed on the bed exhausted. I kissed him on the cheek and wrapped them both in blankets. I nuzzled between my exhausted partners and fell asleep.

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