Kuzusoudapeko Kids

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(This takes place 15 years after sakiko was born. This is from the poly party Au)

Fuyuhikos pov

I woke up to the sound of laughter. I guess the kids are awake. I got up and saw my eight year old daughter korra politely eating breakfast.

Out of all our kids korra is the one who looks the most like peko. She has the same gray hair and red eyes as her but her hair is cut much shorter than pekos.

"hey sweetheart" I said petting her hair "wheres everyone else?"

"riku and rita are outside playing with daddy and sakikos training with mom" korra replied. "I'm just finishing up with breakfast."

"ok thanks sweetheart" I said kissing her on the head and heading out.

I immediately saw my twelve year old pink haired twins tackling there father down. Those two are kazuichis kids but hell if I'd ever treat them any different then my own flesh and blood.

"having fun kids?" I asked.

"yep! We totally took dad down no problem" riku said proudly.

"really? Wanna try that out on me" I mused.

Riku fixed up his neckerchief and tackled me. I stepped out of the way and riku fell over.

"haha your so clumsy bro" rita teased.

"shut up!" riku muttered.

I ruffled the twins pink hair "I'm going to go see your mother and sister now. Go easy on your dad ok"

"ok" they chirped as they ran back to kazuichi.

I walked into our makeshift dojo to see peko and sakiko having a sparing match. I watched the two spar until peko eventually won.

"you fought well sakiko" peko said kindly.

"yeah yeah I'll beat you one of these days mom" sakiko said confidently.

"that's my girl" I said ruffling her hair. My girls 15 years old now and let me tell you it's hard watching your baby girl grow up but it's also rewarding in a way.

"hey daddy where you watching me?" sakiko asked.

"I sure was and you did amazing out there kid!" I said as she hugged me. I hugged her back feeling grateful to have such a wonderful family.

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