Starting A Yakusa Family

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Smut warning

Fuyuhikos pov

I've been living with my partners for three years and have been married for two years so naturally we decided to start a family AKA have a baby. And that's how I ended up pinned to a bed with my wife peko on top of me.

"it's too bad kazuichis couldn't join us" peko muttered.

"yeah it suck but he had to work so it's just you and me tonight"

"yep" she giggled "now tell me when you're ready"

"oh I'm ready" I said confidently but honestly I was a little bit nervous. I hope I don't end up hurting her.

I trusted into her and even though she whimpereda little at first she later seems to enjoy herself. It finally ended with me cumming inside her.

"that was pretty fun" I grinned.

"yep" she yawned "now get into bed I'm tired"

The next day

I waited outside the bathroom with kazuichi feeling nervous. Anytime now we'll find out if we're parents.

Peko opened the door with a smile "I'm pregnant"

We jumped up and hugged her. This is it. This is the start of our yakusa family.

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