Big Sister

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Kokichis pov

"hello little baby I love you" natsumi cooed at the little boy in the cot.

I snuck up on her and tickled her. She squealed excitedly.

"you really like neku do you natsumi?" I said kissing her cheek.

"yep! I love baby bro!" natsumi chirped.

"would you like me to take you kids on a walk?"


I placed neku and my daughter misaltoe in the double buggy and set off. I took them to a nearby park to play in but natsumi stayed with her brother talking to him.

"are those Fuyuhikos kids?" I looked up to see a white haired man smiling at me.

"Umm yes I'm thier nanny kokichi" I held my hand out.

"ahh pleasure to meet you kokichi I'm Fuyuhikos childhood friend nagito" he shook my hand.

"hi uncle Nagito" natsumi said hugging him.

"hello my hopeful little yakusa" nagito said picking her up and spinning her around.

I smiled at the man "fuyuhiko and his partners should be here soon. Would you like to come home with us?"

"oh please come home with us uncle nagito" natsumi begged.

"Well I can't say no to an invitation like that" nagito chuckled as he followed us home.

"nagito where did you come from ya crazy basterd" fuyuhiko yelled playfully punching his shoulder.

"I met your nanny and kids in the park and they offered to take me to your place" nagito explained.

"was that wrong of me sir?" I asked.

He petted my head "nah kid ya did just fine" he turned to nagito "nagito I don't think you've met kazuichi yet. Come with me!"

The two of them left and I was left with the three children.

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