The Sex Talk

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(So basically kazuiki has no idea what sex is and his loving partners have to explain it to him)

Fuyuhikos pov

"Fuyu what's sex?" I nearly spat out my tea! I knew my boyfriend was innocent but I didn't know he was that innocent!

"why do you ask" I asked getting over my shock.

"Well teruteru said that our sex must be grate when there's three of us and I have no idea what that means" that dirty basturd! I'm going to kill him but for now I should focus on this problem.

"Well you see it.. Umm.. Well.. Ahh tell you what you come to our house after school and we'll explain it to you!"

"ok! I'll follow you home so I don't get lost!" he said brightly.

"adda boy!" god he's just like a kid! This is going to be rough.

*Time skip*

Kazuichi sat at the table looking eagerly at us while me and peko had to mentally prepare ourselves.

"Well kazzy you see when certain people love each other very much they show their love though sex" I explained

"oh like us!"

"no no kazuichi sex is more of a thing adults do rather than teenagers" peko said turning red.

"really? Then why was teruteru talking about it?" kazuichi asked.

"he was talking about it cause he's a dirty basturd!" I growled.

"is it that bad?" kazuiki tilted his head looking confused.

"it's not that it's bad it's just inappropriate" peko explained.

"oh ok so dose sex make babies cause I've always been a little confused on that"

"yes sex can sometimes create a baby" peko replied.

"ok so how do you do it?" peko didn't have an answer for that so I thought quickly.

"tell you what baby when we're all grown up I'll show you how it's done"

"you promise?"

"I promise"

He pulled me and peko into a hug and then pulled away grinning at us.

"thanks for explaining it to me! I'm going to say hi to natsumi. She gets pretty mad when I don't"

He ran off and peko looked at me.

"you know he won't forget that right?"

"Well it doesn't matter. I love him after all" I shrugged

"would you consider doing it with me?" she asked. I blushed at her words.

"of course! I wouldn't leave you out or anything"

She kissed me on the cheek "thank you" she said as she left.

Wow. That went a lot better than I thought it would!

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